Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pumpkin Roll Man

Pumpkin Rolls, Jelly Rolls and My Rolls

Okay so this isn't a place where you may want to stop for a pumpkin roll, but if you're in New York, The Cafe Napoli is a great place to eat. Now on with my rolls.

Years ago I tried a jelly roll to make 
I followed all instructions, and ready it was to bake
I slapped on jelly here and there
rolled in a towel like I do my hair
Then unwinding it ever so slow
so the Jelly roll would show
adding white sugar powder
I jumped and yelled louder and louder
I did it, I did it! Come and see
the Jelly roll I made for my family
but then I remembered, no one was home
and here we were all alone
Just the jelly roll and me
close to supper, I wanted to eat
But I knew soon they'd all come in
and I could show them my jelly roll win
A first for me and what a task
but where were they I would ask
when I got a call, they stopped by
to grab a bite, I let out a sigh
Soon, passed by, they didn't come in
and there I sat with my Jelly roll chin.
Never again did I make a roll
but ate them all winter through fall
alas again late last night
another stopped by for me to bite
This one was Pumpkin, I couldn't wait
like a fisherman taking the bait
In the fridge I let it chill
temptation called me, I lost the will
Quietly I went to that big cold door
a  creak could be heard on the kitchen floor
I went in for first and then for seconds
Because the Pumpkin roll always beckons
now I was too full to go to bed
so the thought crept in my head
go back again, you're still up
Thirds it was and milk in a cup!
Now you may wonder why this is so long
I write about food, the thoughts are strong
and pumpkin rolls a good neighbor too
go hand in hand with friends like you...
so now I say good night for a while
I'm eating more roll with such a big smile:)
Nancy Costa

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