Sunday, December 11, 2011

Example of a Father out of Control-Today

       Today I was to meet up with someone in North York. As I started to turn into a street from heavy traffic on George st. a man and two little boys, about five years-old were in the process of crossing. My car was at an angle waiting for him to move or not. But the man-oops male figure never saw me until his son looked at me. I noticed right away the boys cute coats, a blue plaid, but they were all looking down and walking at the same time. The father wore a black hooded sweatshirt and the hood blocked his view. You know when we see things from the corner of our eye? All he could see was his sweatshirt hood aka as a hoodie. I did notice he never stopped and turned to look like most do at corners.
     So here I was stopped, did start to go once when it looked as if they were stopped, but the first little boy stopped again, looked at me and backed up. I stayed still and waited for them to go, and before I knew it the man finally turns and looks and what happened next shook me. Never once was he holding his two little boys by the hand.

      He turned to stare at me and screamed, hood still up, skinny, frazzled looking, with a blondish goatee, like a young Donald Sutherland. Then his words came at me; what the F are you trying to do you stupid F'n B? Are you trying to run over me and my kids and kill us you F'n B? Then he spit. The wind took it away, but his face, his face so full of hatred and anger, flushed red beyond red, and so quickly.
      I waited wondering what would happen next as with every word he moved closer to the car. I had my phone, pushed 911, but not send, not yet. I thought if this guy had a rock or a gun, I'm sure the day would have ended much differently. His explosiveness came at such a rush as if he's been holding it in for a very long time.
That's what I kept thinking as he finally moved and let me drive on. I drove way past where I was to meet the other person, called them and changed the location to meet. If he went into Rutters I didn't want to give him another opportunity to continue, and me call the cops and have his little boys witness their father, out of control again.
       A few times today I wondered about that family. I wondered if possibly the father lost his job, my first thought, or why would someone act as deranged as he did today. Did he lose his wife, a parent or is someone in the family sick? I know how hard things are for parents but this guy, today he wasn't a parent. He was a person out of control. I'll think about those two little plaid coats for a long time, and just wonder.

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