Sunday, December 11, 2011

This President Business-John Wayne, where are you?

       That old game show should be brought back...who do you trust?   What is happening and why can't we fix it? This is America and we are so far behind other countries, so we as voters need to fix it. My other question is...why don't we have more candidates ? Is it because too many have so many nasty secrets and don't want the exposure. Or are they running to just get rich? You'd be surprised how rich they get just from running. Research it if you don't believe me.
        I know for a fact that men in general are simply no longer the quality of men there once was, and no, I'm not a man-hater, well okay maybe a little, but ya can't blame me. Works both ways, so yes I know. Now, men and this country. Where are they? Some time ago at church I saw a pastor, a first, wear his military hat during a service as veterans day approached. Now that's a stand up man. he wasn't afraid of what people would say. This is a guy and  a church that appears to accept you just as you are.
      Our country doesn't seem to like it if a man also stands up for his faith. Are you stupid? That's what our country is about, FREEDOM! Find a JOHN WAYNE, Chris Kristie NJ ? But he won't run-uh huh. Where are our John Wayne's, Henry Fonda's, Clark Gables all . Hell even Katherine Hepburn. She was as tough in real life as in the movies-yes, I knew her personally. Sure I did.
         I would rather see Justin Beiber in office than the candidates we now have. Yes, that's how ridiculous these guys are. Notice I didn't say men. It's time to really Pray as a nation, and I'm not a Bible thumper as some would think because I said that. But prayer as a nation leads to other things as a nation, a coming together, a solution. We can do it America, find that man. Where's the courage? Oops, sorry ladies, or find that woman!

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