Monday, December 19, 2011

Moms & Dads Everywhere, The Good Ones

       How do you know if your a good mom or dad? I think if you have it together mentally then you know you are. Sometimes we don't know just what kind of a parent we were and are until they grow up and are on their own. You can also be the best parent in the world and have your kids turn out completely opposite  of your parenting job. All the love you have at times just doesn't help. Personally I believe it's the foundation which is set early on. Kids may wander from your beliefs, your role modeling, work ethics, and all that right and wrong stuff we teach them, but as they develop and encounter peer pressure, get out into the world, well they just end up doing what they want to do as individuals.
       We all know about rotten parents and wonder when we know a kids story, how did his kid turn out so good? They just decided not to be what and who they saw in their own parents. Good for them for standing up for a better life. I sometimes think it's those kids who are more thankful for the successes in life. Those kids more or less do it on their own.
       To all of those Good, Responsible and Wonderful Parents, the world is a better place. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, live long and...well you already have prospered.

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