Monday, December 12, 2011

TEBOW!!! What are we afraid of?


Good Morning America! What a great day this is! I know blah, blah, blah, enough good cheer. So I turn on the TV and it starts with the Sandusky news and again enough said.
    Then I hear and have heard about some guy named Tebow. I heard some say, have you tee-bowed lately so I though it was some kind of a new game. Yes, I think it is, and then I see football which I've come to enjoy at times. This kid is amazing and what happens next is about his faith and how he declares it, gives all the praise to God for winning. Photos' show him praying just before a win, not watching the team. Good for him!
    Some loud mouth, another player from a team slams Tebow with statements with, I just wish he'd shut up! Well maybe you should just shut-up. See, here we go again. Come on people, appreciate the Freedoms your countrymen and women have fought for; Your voice, your faith or no faith at all. No one should have to shut-up. You may not like what is said but we all have the same rights. What has happened over the years is too many rights have been taken away. Decide where you want to live, then either support, live and love it, or leave it !
     Yo TEBOW ! Go Man!

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