Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Unapproachhable, Me? For Someone Special

Shore Road, by Nancy Costa

What a compliment I received
    How nice it was that he believed
        That I was unapproachable

Never it was That I couldn't be
someone to talk to, but not to see
  Because I was, approachable

However to that always a but
with a father upstairs who was a nut
who made me un-approachable

So now you see it wasn't me
but a lunatic you'd rarely see
he was unavoidable

   Looking here and watching there
I was under lock and key in fear
  The house was un-approachable

But even in my withdrawn way
I watched you walk every day
who I thought was-too much-able

I thought you were too cool for me
who would want this "kid" you see
I was undeniable

If we met and I was allowed
I would say, not my crowd
because he was just too yum-able

Some did say you were this and that
but I knew they didn't know bullcrap
Because adults are jealous of kids like you
who look so good and oh so cool
they don't take the time to look inside
or even wonder if he's that guy
but I always thought with your walk
you were more than your big talk
So I better stop now while I can
since your grown, a married man
happy now with a wonderful wife
living those old coots jealous life:)
                      P.S. You were John Travolta first!


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