Monday, December 5, 2011

Those Evil Step Parents-How Dare they

    Hey you mean step parents...what's wrong with you? How dare you try to help and support a family? You have some nerve trying to replace a parent, after all they took off, left, don't have time, not paying support, dating, have a new spouse and new kids and just seemed to no longer have interest in the children they helped bring into the world.
    On the other hand, did you do the same? Sorry, has to be asked. I know there are mean step parents who try to use a dictatorship type household to command respect from someone else's children. But, yes but there are also plain ol' moms and dads who do the same. The difference here is all about blood, how you came into the family and who does the main discipline.
    Can you simply be a support parent figure without discipline? I don't think so, but ground rules need to be set by both parents and step parents. If there is too much hostility between the adults who parted how do you think the kids will react. That is just it-they react, not respond. So do adults. Calm down everyone.
    Maybe one thing you bring to the table is ask the kids how they feel about everything. Come to some agreements and show that you do care about how they feel. Also just a suggestion, go to church as a family. You may be different religions or none at all, so start. Go to a non-denominational church. Don't start off going during a holiday. It' so busy you get lost and most people don't even notice you-unless you sign a guest book, ask for  a visit or to volunteer. Now remember this is my opinion. The Christmas holiday is coming up soon and if theres' one thing most of us know it's, Joy To The World, so don't listen to me, go to church and mend those fences before they fall down completely.
   To those who might read this , if I'm wrong(hardly ever:)) add something better and more positive. There are many parents and step mom and dads who could use some good advice as well as all of those hurting and confused kids.

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