Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Resolutions?

    2012 is here, and making resolutions is a good idea, even if you stick to them or not. At least you do think about trying. Mine are simple, to wake up every day and make every day a better day, to do whats right for my body, and hopefully help someone else in some kind of battle they may be going through. Heaven knows I haven't this far done what right for my body, although my doctor has said many times that I must be eating right. I love protein, too much coffee, not enough if any exercise.
     Two days after Christmas I got sick, still feel the blahs, but during this time, I haven't had any coffee and am trying to keep it that way. I haven't eaten much at all with the exception of last night, cookies, a pint of ice cream (which made me hack like crazy) and of course ginger-ale, my favorite soda when I do have soda.
     What I do know about resolutions is hopefully they make us better people and that's really all that counts. When we become better people we put aside the material things is life, the brand name clothing, fancy restaurants, and just living a high life. I'm not against having fun at all and we do want nice homes, apartments or houseboats and brand names if made in the US to support our people. Where ever you live and how you live is your business, the same as it is mine. But this year I have decided to declutter my life a lot, along with taking better care of me so I can offer me to help if anyone needs or wants it.
      Life is too short for some; unexpected health problems happen like being hit in the face with a brick. Be a good friend to whom ever. Show you care by buying a dinner, lunch and walk away. It's not a time for being social. It's not a time for showing off, but for staying in the background. Give that friend a ride, wait outside, listen, bake something, clean and just do. Don't pat yourself on the back. Your friend has silently done that and do what you can for the right reasons, because you're needed and end it with that. Why? Because you're healthy enough to do all of those things in this New Year.

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