Friday, January 6, 2012

Self-Talk, Hey Porky! Rock n' Roll

 Okay hard to start here, listening to Chubby Checker sing teh Twist, so my chair is moving side-ways, fingers up and down and head boppin!!!  Well one bop.Yea Rock n' Roll!
   How many times do we think people are talking to them selves? Lots, and so do we. I found myself today at a grocery store which I really didn't want to be in, and after three minutes ready to go...ah a little twist here. Still trying to get through whatever kind of a cold I have, wobbly legs and perspiration, I pass the donuts. No breakfast yet, gonna just grab one, then someone says Hey! PORKY! Oh that's me telling me I don't need that and I don't.
     Poetry in Motion now on. So like poetry I check out, vegetables, fruits, eggs and I'm happy, but still hungry. Oh I quit coffee since I got sick and now only buy a cup when I go out. It tastes better too. So coffee, an egg sandwich on a croissant and  a roastbeef sandwich. No it isn't a lot. I saved the roast beed for Gunsmoke.
     Hot tea is becoming a favorite during meals. Better for digetsion. Don't believe me? Just go to any Chinese restaurant.
      Anyway next time you hear someone talking to themselves? Remember Porky.
Allie Oop...oop oop

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