Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Judy at Rutters, Kenneth rd. York Pa.

   Have you ever gone into a convenience store to get a quick sandwich? I have, maybe more than I need to. Well I love scrambled egg sandwiches on a toasted croissant, and I love to buy it at this particular Rutters store, mainly because of the toppings they offer unlike another convenience store. That "other" store may offer the same toppings but not on the breakfast menu.
    So here I walk in and right away Judy smile, seems to know me by sight and knows what I like, so opne day she smile and said egg on croissant with and mentioned my favorite toppings. Well that surprised me, but made me feel she pays attention to her customers. I answered yeah, so do I still have to...she said yes, put the order in by machine, still smilig.
    Late this morning I went in and right to the back, ordered my usual and boy it was ready in such a short time. Before I finished getting coffee, Judy was handing over my sandwich with a smile. Thank you Judy, you make my visits nicer when I'm in a rush, and people we know when we're in a rush we tend to remember more those who aren't so nice, but when you meet Judy, rushing or not, it just makes the day nicer. Hey Rutters, how about an appreciation bonus for Judy?  No, I'm not a personal friend, but I do notice service people and how they treat consumers and she is exceptional in her department!

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