Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mary, Queensgate Bon Ton, Bargains, York Pa.

       Hello Area Shoppers,
            I stopped in at The Bon Ton today to exchange something and as usual no problem whatsoever. I wasn't even asked for ID. I had my card and the woman behind the counter who wasn't wearing a name tag was just so sweet and simply credited back into my account. I really love shopping there and I am not a shopper. If I could I'd hire someone to shop for me. OH, I really backtracked here, almost published post-go and check out the sales they are having!
        This particular store makes it a whole lot easier, even parking is a better experience, and no, I am not getting paid for this, although that would  be nice. Hey Bon Ton! So back to the people behind the counters. She is a lady name Mary. I have seen her there for quite a while and that says something about how The Bon ton must treat their employees and how the employees get along. I know many people in the work force don't get along but no one stays as long as some of the people I've seen there without at least liking the atmosphere, customers and each other.
   So back to Mary. One day when I was in just before Christmas, I passed Mary as she was heading to the back of the sore. A break, lunch or quitting time she could have easily ignore me, but she didn't. After all she does her job very well at the check-out so why extend herself further to anyone. Can you imagine smiling all day at people? Well she does and then some. Mary made eye contact on her way to the back, smiled and nodded her head with a small voiced hello. Not necessary at all. Just goes to character. You know what you do when no one is looking-or paying you? That is one classy woman and The Bon Ton is so fortunate to have her. Thank you Mary for all the times you treated me with respect. I do appreciate that.

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