Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Terrance Dollar General White St. York, Pa.

       This morning I was at a local Dollar General. There was ayoung man behind the counter named Terrance. He was well groomed with long hair, appeared clean, but more than that and as important he worked quickly and with a good attitude. There was an elderly lady in front of me who had ahard time reaching into her shopping cart and so it took longer to put her things on the counter.
     Terrance smiled and said don't worry about it, and he continued to banter while working with this lady. She even complimented him with, boy you sure work fast. He smiled again and thanked her.
      So for those of you who might complain about"these young people today" as every generation does, we still forget about people like Terrance. Terrance thank you for making a shopping trip better.

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