Saturday, January 7, 2012

How Not To make A Shake

  Forget the half painted brick wall in back (a.d.d. here) so I was all set to make a less caloric supper, even though I just bought a pint of Edy's Better Pecan ice cream for tonight and grabbed a Hardees Bacon Cheeseburger, small fries and soda for lunch. I haven't been eating that way lately so today is treat day,   yet still thought to have a shake. Got out my protein power mix, a banana and my sixteen ounce Yankee cup, filled it with water, put the shake part on the base and dumped it....... all over the counter.
      For you snots out there, no it doesn't have anything to do with my Yankee cup. I got that at a real ball game with my son, so stuff it.
     I forgot to put the bottom back on the mixer part, you know the piece that cuts up the ice. Smart huh? Now water is flooding the counter, under the toaster, coffee pot and wires, so I wasn't about to plug anything in after that, although if someone doesn't call and remind me...well you'll know what happened if I don't answer.
     One other thing. Those stupid racks on the over doors! While they're good for exercise, someone should make it with a Velcro attachment. My towels never stay on:) It is kind of funny.

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