Sunday, December 9, 2018

Identity Theft from Delaware to IA, MN. and N.C. Freeze Credit

        I just learned after watching my credit that it went down to to what's known as Hard Inquires .
Right now the easiest thing to do is put a Freeze on my credit, which has nothing to do with freezing my credit cards. Then I'm changing passwords and usernames. Sounds annoying, like too much bother? Try fixing identity theft!  Now that will make you nuts.
       I'm writing letters not only to the credit bureaus but the financial institutions who took the applications from these entitled thieves. Well they think their entitled. Just a warning.   

      This is the time of year when we stop at ATM'S with debit cards, and use our credit cards in stores shopping for gifts and forget who's looking over our shoulders. Good luck, keep your cards and cash safe.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Bicycles and Legos

Bicycles and Legos

Toys to many, some they are
but to me they're connections
near and far.

Sitting on the floor
building  bigger and more
I know soon what's in store

I get to the top,
 and I'm almost done
he adds ten more, then he runs

This is love and brings us together
as no one knows how
we love each other

Then there are bikes they have in common
a specialized for me
I can fly like a Robin

The family gets on
riding in tandem
five in a row connected by hands on

Connections we don't realize ever  
until the time
we're together

We talk, we chat and then we say
how about legos
again today
How about a bike ride
one after the other
father to son and with the mother
then they add another child
 and the baby
man that's wild !

Just Blue & Family Neighbors

From Guest Blogger Miriam

      As I lay trying to nap too late today, I turned over and saw something blue, and then I smiled. IT first sends a message of freedom. We all interpret art differently and to me this is art. Next I see a blue butterfly and even more I see a ballerina, all in blue by a little boy who's first initial is B. IT just made me smile. IT is a water color painting made by a toddler who comes to visit me. I love these type of creations. I have several at home from other toddlers and young kids, my grandchildren.!
      Watching them grow as often as possible brings a new light and new life into my heart, hearing them pronounce words, facial expressions, clapping, shrugging their shoulders, trying to put their own clothes on, is all wonderful. I think as we age we forget the reality of our own children as the same age, as least I can speak for myself. But What I do see in each child are pieces of their parents, mannerisms, personality and how they love, how the mimic and what things they like that are the same as the parents.
        We look into their eyes, the curve of their smiles, the way they walk and say, oh that's just like Mike or Jenny. Proud parents, proud giving children who have learned to be good citizens because they follow what mom and dad do. Pictures, videos, ribbons of races run with little legs. Red flushed faces of pride from racing, riding, giving, spreading good stuff and Christmas, cold air and snow.
       Then there's the Basket Brigade, at Thanksgiving where the baby learns from mommy more about giving and donating to people who don't have what many others have. A brother and sister related through love and connected by GIVING. Can you imagine their children ? I still remember Spend save, and give by one parents, a daughter-in-law who's as great a role model as anyone could be.
         A little one barely able to talk who knows how to donate by choosing toys and stuffed animals to give, and another who with mom bakes cookies to bring to the fire dept. driven by a dad who takes them out to breakfast and where they meet seniors who have a connection to these children.
       Then there is a community of supporting people who fell in love with one little guy and his mom. A guy next door, a woman two doors and and retired parents across this little street who all donate life experiences and love, and oh a teenager who walks his dog and loves to wave and talk to this toddler.
          It takes so little to share love, like a little blue painting, drawings done by brothers, a short video saying, I love you Grandma, or another toddler saying WUV you. I am so blessed as the saying goes.
       Neighbors are wonderful in some areas. I was talking to a young lady who wanted to talk with me about God and up pops the subject of neighbors. I explained about the neighbors where my house is located, how everyone keeps to them selves unless they have a complaint. Yup good neighbors alright. Of there are two nice enough neighbors, but still they prefer to remain by themselves which is why in some ways I miss NY, or apartment life. I only know the neighbors next door to my sons' home and they are friendly but I really don't know them well enough to mention anything about them except if my son and his wife needed anything, those neighbors would be ther.

        Then I learned about my daughters neighbors, This very small community of love. That's exactly what it is. They watch over her , smile, wave, chat, visit and always ask , If I can do anything, let me know. They mean it too, not just words. Since day one they wanted to know her and her baby, they wanted to be there for her, with her and they became a family giving her a sense of, I'm so glad I moved here. I love those family neighbors!
       Yes, some move in and out but basically the tiny block is more than a neighborhood, It gives a true meaning of family and I'm fortunate to know them, visit a lot and have joined this tiny block of belonging. My sister and brother-in-law live across the street, and nephew lives next door, and my cousin lives two doors down. That's how I label them in my heart, family!



Sunday, September 2, 2018

View from a Chair

Guest blogger Miriam-

        As I sit here and wait- time passes well. The view is imaginable. Right this moment I see rushing water cascading over rocks, rushing to endless bubbles and crashing into the rivers it meets. Now a sky of a turquoise color with few white clouds, that mirrors into the same color river, long, so long and narrow.
The View isn't presently realistic, it comes from a TV screen in a hospital, but with these wonderful views come the realistic views of this room and corridors. People walking who have heart diseases or who have had heart surgeries. But they are walking. Yesterday there were many people discharged! Other views are nurses walking with their medical info desks, all portable with med information, schedules and whatever is needed to make things better for someones heart, like diet and exercise. I see a scale across the hall but haven't been weighed, and haven't seen anyone weighed. Maybe the concern isn't weight, but education and face to face information and hands on help and getting home with the proper care and atmosphere.

    I'm so very thankful to be where I am and have the children I have who not only care and love me, but are raising their children to care, to have consequences now rather than later, and not understand why they're just getting a consequence when they're fifteen or twelve. I'm so thankful I've been staying with family, so very thankful.  SO many people, old and young who live alone and don't have anyone would be terrified now, and yes, others as well would be terrified. Sure I was scared a day later when told I had to have a certain surgery, but talking a lot with family and both myself and them being honest about it all helps so much.
       Unexpected expectations is hard on people. How often have we said but I didn't know, or I didn't expect. Well If you haven't been in this situation, how would you know? Even if you have been through this situation, or something much worse, its always good to know the truth, the expectations and the rules. Never, ever give up or give in. Never ever quit. You owe it to your self, your family, grandchildren, caregivers and the medical profession.
   The view is one of hope. Hope for a longer and healthier life. That's the best of all views. 👪💝💝💝💝

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

17 Year Marriage Jinx or 4 Years Dating

        Let's start with the easy one. Have you been dating a guy four years or more? He's not going to marry you! He's using you until he finds someone who he thinks is better.
      Normally I don't believe in stats. All of those saying like , watch out if you've been married seventeen years. Statistics show that's the danger year. But it's true, Watch as you get close to the fifteenth year to the sixteenth? How is he changing, or she? One or the other starts to show changes, like meeting old friends, hair color, weight loss, a new car, out of town trips, emergency calls, has to go....yes, all excuses to meet the new lady or man in their lives. So what do you do?
        Usually this happens to a stay at home spouse because they have to be home to take care of the kids and then it just settles in that they keep on being a stay at home person without an outside job or income. The working partner no longer find the other interesting or valuable . So they seek out someone who is interesting, earns a paycheck.
           It's time before it's time to make your own money and make the other person who may be cheating accountable. If they have an emergency call and have to leave, let them know you're going to, to be supportive, you'll call a family member to watch the kids-then watch his or her face. Buying a new car, now has car payments, make sure somehow you put away each month a car payment for yourself in a personal bank account. Notice certain nights he has to go out after supper or shortly after he gets home? Beat him to the punch. Get ready before he gets in every night. Get an extra set of car keys made. As soon as he walks in you walk out.
       Tell him or her, going to meet friends, going to the library, take a college class about computers, self-worth, tell him you have a family emergency. If you get home he'll ask what family and you tel him, I'm the emergency, I have to get out as much as you do. Don't let him use you. Don't sit home and cry or wonder what he;s doing and with whom. Let him wonder.
      If you come home and he has a babysitter. Talk with her. Tell her you'll pay her not to come.
Be alert. MOST of all keep a file on everything that goes on and how much he makes and his SS number. Okay , I'm done for now, Good luck getting to and through the 17th year!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Boy Scouts Pushes, Boy Dies from Heat Stroke

       As I sat and listened to this heart wrenching story of a boy who died, parents crushed because of a senseless, didn't need to happen, never should have happened, losing their son from heat stroke. But it was just heat stroke. This young boy was supposed to be on a certain trail for beginners and he just learned how to backpack. He wasn't physically fit to be on another trail where he was and climbed/hiked about three miles. At the top of the climb he kept grabbing water, knowing something was wrong. He had heat stroke!
         The parents were called and drove to the site as fast as they could. IT was too late. He died and the boy scouts gave him the badge he earned. This piece to me was an insult. I heard this story on The Doctors tonight and one of the doctors stated, but he did get his badge and this is a good organization. She wanted also to make sure people knew there is a wrongful death suit against The Boy Scouts. WHY? What was her purpose in doing that, saying that first, what?
      Damn right there should be a lawsuit! Wow, so great he earned a badge! IT wasn't worth it. Who Put that boy on the risky trail. The temperature was one point away from, too hot to hike, yet the hike went n putting all those kids at risk. WHY???
              Heat stroke happens to anyone anywhere at anytime. Mowing the lawn which brought me back to my daughter years ago. She wanted to mow and my son washed dishes. It was what they wanted. She convinced me she was fine, it wasn't that hot out. For me, any summer day is too hot. She used a push mower and it wasn't long before she came in face flushed, laying flat out on the floor. That ended mowing on too hot days. IT was only grass after all, and not too long after I hired a kid who had a riding mower. Thank God she was okay.
     Kids who play football now practice at night. Why? It's still too hot. Find indoor arenas to play. Better yet, dump these summer sports that bring on so many head injuries and heat strokes, and heart attacks. You need your child and your children need you. No matter how much they beg, love wins out. Don't let them talk you into this stuff where other adults who want to look good are n charge of your kids, make these life and DEATH decisions.
     Sure many of you are thinking I'm over reacting. But these are kids, KIDS!  You're in control, PROTECT them, love them, keep them safe, as safe as you can.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

First Foster Child(adult) Found-But Again....

       A few days ago my daughter found the first foster son who I've been searching for, for such a long time. He actually has, had five accounts on FB. I'm not sure where or how to begin with what I felt when I saw some of his life, what he's joined and the tragedy that hit him hard. He had a baby girl who died and I'm not sure how long after birth as he had a picture of her as a newborn sitting on a table with candles, as a memory of passing on.
        He now has a son about four or five years old and I did see on yet another FB account a daughter about three, Those children are beautiful and the boy looks like C.B.'s twin. But he, he is lost in a world that I can only imagine.
         C is part of  a group, that some may call a cult. I see it as a group of young men and some women, not many who are lost, feel they don't belong to the average society or any society except the one there in. This is what happens when kids feel like they no longer matter. They seek to matter, no matter how. They want to be counted, loved, mattered and have a feeling of being needed. 
           I never would have recognized him if I didn't study his face, as well as looking at his other pages. There is one picture where he is sitting and he states' I feel like I'm going crazy. Deeply sad of course. As I look on his Fb pages I don't see any family connections and then I saw a photo of his sister who lives out of state. Both C and his sister who was a baby at the time and an older brother were all in foster care.
     His brother was a few years older and lived with a family who treated him more like a servant than a child. When I met him along with the father and baby sister, he said he was just going to take it until he was old enough to graduate and get out. He did complain to his caseworker who told him, all kids have chores. I believe that. It's easier than confronting a foster parent who's obnoxious and moving a child. The boy didn't want to move. He liked his school and was involved in football, had friends.
       Well as rough and sad as my first foster son looks, I am still trying to find him, hoping to just talk, learn what happened in between. It's always the in between and what happens prior to foster care that counts.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Congressman/Women, Glorified Welfare

       Everyone is aware of the cycle of welfare with many families. I'm not writing about those in serious need. Isn't the cycle of our congress the same? Do those on welfare work ? Some do under the table because of need to supplement their needs, just like congress who sleep during sessions. They're supplementing their needs. Have you ever watched a law take effect? Have you read what is supped to be read to make a law?  I have. I've done that with a foster son.
      I took him to visit a congressman from Philadelphia with an appointment. We were expected. I bought this child a new suit, shoes, took him to a barber and had the congressman's initials carved into the side, shaved into the side of his hair. This was an African American congressman as was the child who was thirteen.  I was looking for a role model. But what I found was a man who ended up by saying basically, I can't use him because you said I can't use his picture. If a child is with Children and youth, their photo cannot be used for publicity. That congressman has since been arrested.
        Back to GLORIFIED Welfare and Congress. They call it term limits. I call is a cycle of abuse!
They collect without little giving back. They take and take and take, long after they retire or resign. They're families receive benefits ! When will it stop ? It won't. Like Welfare, until someone puts a stop to it, this is what we get.
       Both receivers are like a team and both want more, never satisfied to the entitlements they get and they always want more. This is why congress has a heart for Welfare. They understand very well the cycle of accepting freebies.
      Many won't read this or even care but those who do and want to do something need to vote out every freeloading congressman and woman and start fresh. Yes, I know there are a few good people working for the US, but so what ! Don't give them a chance to become welfare accepting in congress. Vote new people in who will work for what they get and if we don't see changes in their two years, out they go! Don't take any BS like well it takes more than two years for change!  IT doesn't and you know it. How soon does it take for them to vote raises in for themselves? A few weeks?
      Remember this is only the high end of Welfare Glorified ! They have all of the they want, need, and so much more. They don't wait to see a doctor, kids go to the best schools, drive great cars, live in fine homes, have maids, wear fancy eyeglasses-no I'm not being petty but realistic. They don't save for a vacation, stay in cheap motels, have to do without a/c or heating. Their dental needs are easily met, not waiting for  a dentist who might see them if they have enough money or insurance. If their car breaks down, they fix it. It doesn't sit until they can afford. These people are the WEALTHY WELFARE-The CYCLE of using and abusing the system they set up for themselves ! Vote them all out!

Elvis and More 10.$    On this day of relaxing, unless you're the one doing the prep work and clean-up, please check out my etsy shop. I'd like to add new items by the beginning of Fall. I am going back into the shop to add items that have expired and change the prices to a lower price as my goal is to empty, close up and re-open by October. Well I don't have a photo of the Elvis potholders on this hard drive but it is shown in my etsy shop for ten dollars, made with heat resistant padding.
Thank You

Monday, July 2, 2018

Do You Know Him? CB Where are you ?

 As I write today I see a box above blinking "link" and thinking about the little boy in this picture , well he was my link. A link to many years of foster care. His initials are CB and he has a brother Dennis and a younger sister who is now abut seventeen His father's name is Scott.  I have a lot to thank him for as my first foster child. This is our story if you've read abut him on my blog.  We shared so much and he taught me a lot. Because of him I was able to continue taking chances with kids that some people refused to have in their homes.
I remember a visit we had with his dad who was a soft spoken man who wore a beard, well trimmed, reddish brown hair. He brought this little guy a remote control car. dad remember. We told the father how I picked him up from where he was, how most of his things were stolen and that he left with a huge see though plastic bag filled with water and urine, few clothes, a winter coat that was about five sizes too big, odd socks and a few ripped shirts. Yes, thank you staff. I say staff because they were to check his list of clothing by inspecting what he was leaving with.
        As we emptied things out o the living room floor, he just shrugged his shoulders, the palms of his hands pointing toward the ceiling saying over and over, That's not mine. Then he told me about his toys, mainly a remote car his dad made sure he had at that place and a radio. No they weren't in the bag. I asked him to help me just dump it all out in the trash and that we were going out. For this first shopping trip, I knew w K mart would have to do. I could get him everything he needed and some of what he wanted. He was so happy, picking out clothes, hygiene products and sneakers.
Then it was out to lunch/supper. Before we went in he asked, can I get dessert? Sure, you can even get it before supper. He looked at me like I was nuts, but I've done that myself so once won't hurt.
Oh, although he had red hair, his brother did too but it was turning a deeper reddish brown.
        After we ate, we went home, talked a little about rules and his family and mine. He was anxious to meet my family and we did. But that day he met up again with his father and his new remote car, he was in heaven, like he was home again. I liked his dad. He had a look of "I'm sorry" on his face . Learning more about how little guy came to be with me, it didn't have anything to do with this childs behavior but mistakes the parents made.
        Here is where  I learned what people think, well some anyway. In my experiences neighbors right away felt foster kids are bad, that they have to be to be in foster care. Personally my experiences have shown its the parents more than the kids, but many kids end up with sever behavioral problems because they were put in care. Some do have behavioral or medical problems, psychiatric, that parents can't face or handle, so, foster care.
       In closing, I'm hoping someone this little guy now about twenty-five, and mostly I hoe he is well and doing great with his own family.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Foster Care, What Many Don't Know, A Gun

              At one point I knew I worked in foster care too long, too long because I couldn't say anything without either getting fired and being made to look like a trouble maker. But it was long before that, I made sure to tell most of the kids who would remember, to get a new social security number, get copies of all your medical records so when you're older, you can challenge discrepancies. I doubt many remembered or cared..
      I let them know they could go to college for free and could also challenge a move if for the right reasons. I had one child challenge and actually call a lawyer to stay with me. A foster child can remain in care until age twenty-two. Here's the catch;they wanted their freedom with no curfews, stay out with friends without any accountability, were encouraged to have saving accounts but in the later years because of age, I would have to be on the account too. At one point I bought savings bonds for a young girl.
       I tried to let them know about vocational college, I did let them know and one boy went to HACC, but he was more interested in getting a laptop for free, even sat in my field one day, the screen cracked from that or laying in the trunk of a friends car and yet he talked the school into giving him another one for free. Many kids learned so young about the rights they had that they thought using them fast and furious helped them, it just upset some people.
       One agency hired so many people and friends of people just to keep people employed. They were all friends and so it wasn't about the kids, it was about keeping money in the pockets of friends. I told one man on the day he was leaving about a woman who spanked her very young foster son, had electricity turned off and other things. His answer was, I didn't hear that.
        There was a boy in my home who brought a gun and now this sounds nuts, but he wasn't a bad kid. He saw his grandfather beat his mom as a little boy and as he grew he wanted to protect women. I worked with his grandfather in Mental health who had schizophrenia.
         The boy had the onset which erupted in my home . Little y little he covered his window, nailed a cross upside down to his wall, ripped up a Bible and as I watched him and asked if he needed anything, want to grab a sandwich, go out it was no, no and no. A few days before we went to see his mom which was where he grabbed the gun and put it in his small backpack. We stopped at a convenience store to get coffee and a soda for him. He saw a man hitting a woman and yelling at her, started to open the car door and I gently grabbed his arm. No don't we can call the police. No police, he just wanted to leave, but the man noticed the boy at 17 getting out of the car. The man then took the woman by the arm and in a muffled voice said something pushing her to the store.
         After we got home he started to go deep inside himself and I called on-call to let them know. I was asked who's his MHP, Mental Health Professional. The response was she's in a meeting with the group. Half hour later I call again. BY the fourth call I get a call back saying, what have you done to alleviate the situation. I explain, monitoring, talking quietly etc etc etc.  IT was four hours later before his MHP arrived. She sat and said where is he. Oh GOD! How many times to I need to repeat this?
In his room, darkened etc. She said, can you go and get him and I'll be in back of you? She did walk in back of me until she heard him say, I'm not talking to her. I asked him, Will you just listen?
He said okay. We went to the kitchen table and he came out a few minutes later.
        He had his mini back pack, put it on the seat, no sound as if he had hardware in it. I spoke a little and so did the MHP. He was telling me how he was feeling and I said I'm sorry you feel like you have to protect yourself that way. THEN he took out the gun and put it down very hard on the table.
       He said in a calm manner, I don't have to protect myself, I have to protect you women with this.
The MHP was now shaking and for five seconds I thought, who will tell my children? Then I said to him, ----Thank you for being so honest and trying to protect us, but you know now I have to take this, reaching across the table for the gun. He didn't move an inch to stop me, but shook his head yes. I went on with, I have a friend who's a cop, is kind, not a bully etc. and I have to call him. Again he shook his head yes. Calling 911, I was asked if he had any other weapons and he jumped up with ease and said, oh yeah, I have your saw blade. It was to a jig saw. I followed him and he gave it to me. The MHP said, do you mind if I go out and smoke? No , go.
      IT wasn't long before two police cars pulled up and came knocking. I walked the boy out and introduced him to my friend. He allowed a search and was very polite. My heart beat more for him because he was truly ill. It's genetic, His mother suffered from sever depression. Many times Mental illnesses go from one gender in the family to another. The MHP stood with tears in her eyes and we chatted a little then she left.
      She went out on disability a few weeks later and the boy went to jail. I went to court as a witness, hugged his mom and shook his hand. No I wasn't angry. He was a very ill kid and his illness was just starting. It's a lifetime of heartache.
    More in a few days

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

My First and Last Foster Son

       When I lived with this little guy, my first foster son, I quickly learned how society, well, maybe not society but the system cheats many kids like him. His anger was as I was told, starts at zero and goes to a hundred in ten seconds. I never experienced that, ( well yes I did growing up ) Another thing I never experienced was the fact that this eleven year old could only read about second grade. On the way to my house we stopped at a diner and I gave him the menu. He pushed it back telling me he couldn't read it. I thought he was joking, but soon found out he meant it. Maybe I should have taken another look at the residence hall/school where he went to school. Kids sat in a classroom that was barely light. I found out it wasn't about teaching and learning but low lights keep the kids calm and I did see  him laying on his desk.
          -I'll continue this tomorrow-
        Well from the start we appeared to have a nice relationship. It took a while before school would allow him in, to see what was a proper and age related class. As I write this my mind shifts between this child , C and my last child B.  It wasn't long before trouble started in school and the calls came to pick him up.
         The worst call was tell me he ripped a teachers tie off. I walked into the middle school and he was sitting alone in an office crying. I was brought into a room and given the story, which didn't make sense. It was obvious to me the school wanted him gone. The teacher whose tie he ripped off, was muscular, shaved head, and now wearing contacts. Yes, that matters to me because a couple of years back he was this, glasses and balding, so now his ego was really out there even in how he spoke, nothing like a couple of years ago.
           They finally brought the boy in and C gave his story. I believed him. He admitted he was wrong, that he had a comic and didn't put it down right away, but what the teacher left out was that he got made at the boy and ripped it from his hands at which point the boy followed the same pattern, and yes, wrong it was. I was told this man was a special ed teacher. He wasn't two years back. Where was his patience? Following the tie incident I was told the boy picked up a chair to throw at the teacher. The boy said he picked up the chair to sit in the corner. Not sure what was true about that.
More became clear about ripping the teachers tie off. It appeared it became caught in something and the teacher ripped it off. Either way he was suspended for ten days, the legal time for a child in special needs classes.
              HE was moved to a behavioral school. What followed at home was a series of mostly good time, eating out, watching his favorite shows, no cable and he loved the old black and white shows, leave it to Beaver, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and most from the old days. I took him on a trip to New York. All went great. We stayed a two nights in Long Island and he had a ball and I did too watching him watch people. Early one morning he saw a man fishing on the oceans edge, asked if he could go down and talk to him. Sure, He did and had a great time. We checked out and stopped at a merry go round place where he caught brass rings.
            Then we had lunch on the Island and off to check into a Brooklyn Hotel, one I usually stay at and it was such a nice time. We met with my old friend and her husband and out to super we all went. I decided to cut the trip a day short because we were getting such bad weather and honestly I thought I'd save a lot on the hotel. I now know better. We should have stayed and just enjoyed the hotel, movies and ordering in.
         Once I told C that we were going home early he asked why and because very quiet. He asked off and on why we couldn't stay and I kept explaining. Packed up, we took off, passing through the Verrazano Bridge, then Jersey and then it started.... Suddenly he lashed out swearing at me, f this and that and F you and I bet you never knew I could cuss, did you ever heard these words before? NO more sweet innocent little boy, now acting like an older teen out f control. More to come from the back seat; He threw pennies at the dashboard, a book at the dash, small things until nothing was left. With each toss I told him, it's not too late, we can fix this and make it better, His response, I didn't want to F'n leave.
          I knew I had to bide my time until I found a safe place to get off. Looking ahead I see a truck plaza and tell C I have to get gas, use the restroom and grab a sandwich. He does get out and I quickly lock all the doors but there's one thing left in the car, an umbrella ! I knew I had to get my hands on that before he got back in the car.  Inside I did use the restroom, got on line for coffee and a sandwich, but C did not want to eat. I sat in the booth with him making small talk and making sure he knew we only had a short time left to eat if he wanted to get a sandwich or anything else. He said no.
         I started chatting with a guy standing on line about all of the food varieties. Then I told C, you have three minutes left to eat and I put a ten dollar on the table in front of him. He grabbed it, got on line and I grabbed the umbrella. After he ate, and we stood to leave, he went for the umbrella and saw I had it. We walked to the car and I threw the umbrella in the trunk. Before taking off we talked, he fell asleep and we made it home.
    More of C continued tomorrow

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

All This Foster Child Wanted

       He came from another foster home as many do. Many foster children move around. I've seen ads on TV where kids are paid to say, and yet I know it's true, "all I remember is moving around and having things taken away from me".
         Here's what I know about these two things. Don't we take away things from our own children as a consequence? Now moving around is another story. Many, many kids dislike the rules so much they continue to make living in a home so stressful and I'm sure reading this you may think, well you don't make your own kids move. Correct. Yet in foster care sometimes the goal of a child, or teen is to keep trying new homes until he or she gets what they want and there are many homes that give kids, their own TV, a game system overload on snacks, anything so the foster parents don't have to bother especially if they're being paid well. Yes, many are paid very well, but never enough to put up with the following:

  • Getting called to school daily
  • being told to go F yourself
  • punching holes in the walls
  • firesetters
  • sexual issues
  • masturbating on the toilet seat
  • destroying rooms
  • breaking a parents personal items
  • Cursing in a conversation as if its an everyday and okay thing to do
  • listening to a parent use the bathroom
  • Having the police at your door about every second day
  • refusing to get on or out of a van
  • threatening to blow up a school, jump off a building and so much more
These are really a few reasons why parents give their notice among having to stay all night or ten until a hospital finds another hospital that will accept the child with so many issues, that many residential hospitals won't accept a child. My last child was moved to another state for just that reason.
          Now the little guy I'm talking about J, only wanted to be adopted, that's all. He loved the family he was with and they loved him. But one day he overstepped his boundaries looking for attention and tried to seriously hurt himself, but it was all fake. That was enough for the mother to call and give her notice. She was afraid but realized a few minutes later she jumped the gun, called back and said it was a mistake. The agency said too late . They called me right away and I took him. He stayed about two to three months. He had a medical issue which wasn't a problem, but he also wouldn't listen to a curfew, He was I believe, thirteen and so cute. HE loved dogs, wanted me to get him one.
       No, I tried that before and wouldn't work for me. I loved taking the kids on trips, buying nice clothes, out to eat at better restaurants so they learn social skills . HE kept asking me about adoption and I was honest, I wasn't young enough, He kept taking off, running out in bare feet, hurting himself. Finally I was told to take him to the ER to take care of a problem, then get him to a residential about an hour away. Getting him home and trying to get meds into him., I promised McDonalds which he loved and we rarely went to. HE fell asleep in the car, but I went through Mc D's anyway, got him to this horrible place where I drove through two huge steel doors, like a dam!
     Once awake and inside it still took him a few minutes to realize where he was. He was repeatedly told this would happen by the agency. The agency rep who should have taken him would have been very impersonal, but I knew after this one time at this place, I'd never, ever do it again.
       I remember even now, his tone of voice, his pleading, Nancy, don't leave me, please don't leave me here, about eight times until they told me to go. The drive home at ten o'clock was memorable with memories of us having silly giggling times and long talks about everything imaginable.
     It took him a few months to adjust and behave, finally accepting if he was to ever get out of that place he needed to simply bee good, not so simple. Yet he made it. It wasn't long before that a family was found and this time, finally he found his new and forever dad and mom. HE wanted a dad so much and he also got his dog. His dream came true. 
       One Christmas at an airport I received a call from a man asking if I was who I was. Yes, this is me. He asked if I remembered J and I said Hell yes ! He explained the events that led to adoption and they were on their way to Montana, I think, for the holidays and that J now also has a dog. HE said J talks about me often. kool, made me happy. Then he asked, would you like to take to him? He really is anxious to take to you. IT felt wonderful to know this wonderful boy was happy, adopted and that his dream came true. We talked a few more times that year, then I let go. He's happy and he has my number if he wants to call, but I think that need is gone. Stay Happy J   !

Foster Kids , Dreams, Army & Families continued

        As a single person who worked in mental health I was anxious to work, help and try to instill values with foster children, some almost adults in the legal sense and very hard to persuade change in. But they were all worth it, each and every one.
         I preferred boys because I had a lot of brothers and I'm kind of a tom boy myself so I thought I had it all figured out. During training we were told just because you're parents, that means nothing to these kids. Yes, I found out that was true with one exception. Every boy who walked through my homes wanted to know about my children and what we did,what happened if they got into trouble, how did I punish them, did they have a curfew, and a lot about vacations.
          That made sense as they were told and foster parents are told to treat foster children as your own. So one young boy about thirteen, very stubborn, African American had a dream to join the ARMY along with a younger brother also in foster care. I got to meet him too and take him out a couple of times. My guy at thirteen was ready to stand up for what he believed in, no matter how right or wrong he was. He wanted what was his no matter again, how right or wrong he was using things. But he had goals, and one was to be as independent as possible and no one would tell him what to do or be.
            He lived with me twice which was kool. We both learned, but my neighborhood didn't. I lived in at that time an almost all white area and the neighbor across the street treated this kid as if he had a disease being black. It was mainly the man across the street and then a man a few doors up from me.
            One night my guy and a neighbor boy who lived down the street came to my house and it was dark, about nine o'clock and they stood at the top of the hill throwing rocks. Their aim was off, or maybe not. I was told they were trying to throw over that guys house. IT didn't take long as I later learned that neighbor was sitting outside a long time, which meant he could have come to me right away. Instead he waited until a rock hit his truck, then came to me yelling about cost and me not watching my foster son.
               What many don't know is kids who are in foster care earn the right according to age, just like any child, to be out a little later as they age and hopefully mature. That man across the street didn't care, wouldn't listen, just wanted to bully me and get money out of a rock hitting his truck. HE wasn't about to go up the street to the white boys house and tell his parents off until I said, what about him and I hated pointing to the other boy. After saying that a few times the man said okay, okay I'm going. Yeah, he went, acted like a gentle man, spoke softly and reached his hand out to talk to the other boys' father. The father caved in and let the man use his auto insurance. I wouldn't.
                I wanted the boy to learned lesson by giving up his weekly allowance and walk across the street and pay until done. The man refused, said he wanted HIS money now. He made many threats about the agency, called the police, rightly so, said he'd call a senator, and on he went. He did call my agency who paid him, but was nasty to the manager who was a female About a month later he called my agency again, said he found a ding in his garage door, wanted more money, wanted to talk to a man.  Not this time. I let them know he never mentioned it  before and could call the police then they'd know what kind of a "man" he was.
        That man just really didn't want a kid who was black living across the street. He suggested he had to watch his daughter, that he had a dog, installed a fake camera, but as horrible as all of that was, it became worse. He started watching this kid often. The boy started back. The man called the police for staring! Finally one day the man called the police again saying the boy was walking on or near his property, watching the man. WHAT a LIAR!  I happened to come from my kitchen, looked out the window and saw the man drive up on his property. He saw my kiddo walking down the block in the street, and followed him along his property line until the boy went to his friends house. The man came back in and called the police.
     Soon the police arrived and my foster son was sitting at the table talked to me about stuff. Allowing the cop in, hearing the same old story, I took a deep breath and told the cop, Okay I'm finished with this, the lies, his following D all the time etc, Please let him know if he calls teh police one more time

Those Side Bar Blog Ads

 Weather its this blog or anyone else's, please check them out because so many offer great buys and unexpected offers. Just passing it along.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Foster Kids Do Dream ...

          About a week ago I came across a man singing on America's Got Talent who, he and his wife adopted foster children. That was wonderful. However his statement, about Foster kids don't dream, they survive. Listening as a former foster parent, my first thought was bull, but from his perspective and the children he and his wife had that may have been true, but not from my perspective and experiences.
              I've had kids dream about being adopted and  and so much more depending their ages and what their plans were for the future, if their parents were more present or not and at times social services twisted the thoughts of the very young children.
       Here's an example. I took care of two little brothers who were removed from another foster home. I loved taking them out, having huge birthday parties, taking them to small family owned shoe stores, out to eat, buy nice clothes and whatever I could do to offer happiness. Children and youth wanted me to adopt them. I was too old to adopt such young kids from my perspective. I was to take them to a place for therapy, art therapy. After one session the boys came downstairs with the therapist who told me by the colors they used they were very angry. She felt because they were worried they would be displaced again. She brought me into her office instead of hall chatting and asked me about adoption. I explained my age etc. She told me that doesn't matter. Of course not, not to them, as she was a good friend of the other young lady from children and youth.
       Once we got in the car I asked the kids, how did you pick the crayons. One boy said, huh? I rephrased it and asked, did you pick colors out of a box or a drawer? They both said miss---- gave them to us. Great therapy! I guess it works for her. She told me the boys went right to the bookcase and picked out black, orange and brown. LIE !
    As Christmas became closer, I was told the CASA also a friend of children and youth and the therapist, along with the case worker were coming to visit. My thoughts were they had gifts. My back bedroom was loaded with gifts. After we all chatted about the excitement coming in one day, I was asked to go to my room, I did.  The caseworker and CASA took the boys as far to the end of the house to talk, WHISPER and keep a secret. Yes I Was curious, very curious, but didn't ask anyone.
      Later I told the boys I felt lazy and how about we do a SHEETZ supper. Giggling they yelled yeah!  On the drive back to the house I told the boys I had a surprise for next week, That I was picking up my daughter and we were all going to NY ! The youngest started yelling and I'm looking in the mirror and see the older boy whispering to his brother. I asked if everything was okay and didn't he, the older boy, only eight, wanted to go. He answered quietly, We can't go but I can't tell you why. I just said okay, and right away the little one almost six, said I know why, I know. I told him as much as once again I wanted to know, It's okay. You don;t have to say, and then the older brother just popped up and said, We won't be living with you anymore.
      I had to check myself, ask quietly why. He said Miss--- said not to tell you, its our secret, because you won't give us our gifts. As I write this I'm almost feeling a relief to sill a lot out, plus a bit angered that the people kids count on, caseworkers, therapists, CASA's do this type of thing, and I know not all, but many do it. I have so many stories about this crap.!
       Well I let him know it's okay he told me, that to try to remember adults and kids shouldn't have secrets unless we plan a party at our house or a friends house or restaurant, and only with the family you live with or your parents. It's harder than this sounds in writing.
           I went on to explain that I won't mention to the Caseworker that he told, and again. its okay, you're not in trouble. About an hour after we were home I received a call from the supervisor from my agency who in a sad voice said I have bad news for you, and I let her know what I knew. She was feeling miserable as was I about it, but I know how their game works. I was told after the kids got their gifts in the morning, make sure they get to bed on time and start packing. They were to leave the day after Christmas. Talk about Dream Stealers!
       I think they moved once then some guy adopted them. One of the boys the older one didn't want to be adopted as far as I know. I can be wrong, but I do know he went back to his mother and graduated high school in that area. He also started his own truck business at just eighteen years old. His little brother is happy with his family. Yes we've all been in touch, their mom, the two boys and me.
       Tomorrow, I'll tell you about another boys' dream.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Bon Ton York Pa. Gyp SALE-Before & after PRICES

            Two days ago I stopped in at the York Pa. location, living only about fifteen minutes away. My thoughts were maybe the sofa I bought there in October is on sale and I'll get another one, or the chair and ottoman set that was with it. Oh Lordy What a joke!!!
          I went right to the sofa and immediately my daughter said, it doesn't look as nice as yours . I think its the horrible lighting the Bon Ton has. The salesman, a very nice guy told me the lighting really affects how it looks when you get it home. So the sofa, a grey thick cushioned firm and long sofa had a price of 1800. plus with a matching chair which they didn't have when I bought my sofa. I paid less than half that for the sofa alone. The had a beautiful striped chair and ottoman for 750. and it was so comfortable. But Tom the salesman talked me out of it saying, but 750. for one chair? Because I just looked at two recliners for 299. each and thought about changing my mind. I should have.
                 Although Lane recliners, they suck ! I would have had to pay a 90. pick up fee and a 50. restocking fee after someone had to come and tighten bolts. The chair still slides side to side. IT SUCKS! I sold one.
        The Bon Ton rarely had MSRP , Manufacturers Suggester Retail Price on items because then nothing would sell ! Sales were always going on, anything from 25 % off to 49% off so what you actually see now is the same so called sale but MORE than usual. Wait until they're almost closed if you really need something. By the way, someone there will be able to tell you when they close, just ask, how long before you're out of a job? Sad I know
       BUT for better quality, nicer delivery service go to Boscovs! The delivery service I received was not very good. I'll leave it at that.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Growing up in Brooklyn

          Yes, I grew up in Brooklyn and loved it so much if I could afford to retire there, I might. If I could afford to retire there I'd live in Bensonhurst because Bensonhurst appears to not have been infected with an influx of crime and entitlement.
       I'd still love to go bike riding on shore road at my old retirement age. Yup, I'm old, but stuck in my teen years mentally. Aches and pains, yes I do but rarely does it stop me from being silly, crazy and having dreams.
        Definitely I'm in need of a newer car, yet how that's going to happen, I have no idea. My car has 233,000 miles on it and I'd need a vehicle that sits upright like a chair. So back to Brooklyn I go in my NY state of mind.
      P.S. 140 was the school on 59th st. and 4th ave-some say it was P.S. 118. My principal Mr/ Vitalo said it was 140 annex so that's what I'll go with. My dreams are to go roller skating once again, pizza in Brooklyn, a knish, a pastrami on Rye, an egg cream, sit on shore road with my friend, my grandchildren, family and or alone.
        Cobblestones streets and brownstones, ice cream cones, stick ball, apartment buildings, stoops and whispers late at night. Hot sweaty guys sitting out, sleeves rolled up or in those undershirts with bra like straps. Rock and roll music coming from transistor radios and kids getting dressed up for Friday night dances at the local churches, mostly OLPH.
          That was all wonderful and just as good was my mother making a huge pot of pea soup with sliced hot dogs . My father made hot rice, like rice pudding, but in those huge pots, so big it barely fit on one burner. There were eight kids so we used giant pots.
       Early Saturday Mornings someone, usually myself or my brother Roger would go to the bakery and deli. We bought enough rolls so we all had two, then at the deli baloney, cheese, ham and genoa salami. My father would clear our old formica table and cut every roll, spread them with mayo and mustard and line up the deli meats. Then he'd make two jugs of ice tea. We' take paper plates and paper cups and a trash bag. Off to Gerritsen beach where we'd drive right up onto the beach and the food would stay out of the sun. After swimming and running all over we were ready to eat around one o'clock, not before. I think about six or seven of us would pile into that old car, no seat belts. The only thing we took was excitement !
           IT seemed by five we were hungry again and then there was John ! John was the best food truck to come on the beach. He was so very dark black and for quite a while people wouldn't buy from him. They bought from a guy named Nick. Nick was short, dirty, dirty fingers, and creepy laugh and filthy truck. Little by little and we were one of the first, people started buying from John. John who stopped at our house on 56th st between 4th and 5th ave, to ask if Roger could work on his truck with pay and all he wanted to eat. John picked him up and dropped him off every day one summer.
         Roger was happy for more than one reason, he was out of the house. This was his summer of Happiness! I was happy for him and John had the best hot dogs ever. He was so clean, honest and just a good guy. Thank you John-well this was just a small piece about Growing up in Brooklyn. I loved it!

Everything is 40% off     Creating newer items, It's time to let go of what I already have in stock. Pricing and shipping make this a good time to buy. Thank you for looking. I think this sale is on for two more weeks.

College ? Think Again, It's Your Money !

       By now most know unless you're heading to college to become a lawyer, teacher, doctor etc. You may just end up paying for loans for time. spent. Administrators may tell you, you get a year before you need to start paying off college loans, but they don't really sit down with kids and show them in black and white what a money scam loans are if you get in a situation where you don't get that high paying job or career you thought you'd get by going to college.
        A Ten thousand dollar loan, can quickly add up to twenty thousand in two years if you can't pay.  So maybe at the tender age of eighteen you need time and space to fill up your bank account and your maturity account.
          Give yourself the most important gift you can, TIME! Do you think if you don't rush off to college you'll never go because mom and dad are telling you that? Not gonna happen. If you deeply want to go, You will go when You are ready! Parents push kids into college and some never return because theirs an element of college indifference when it comes to planning, finances, parties and become one of the kids who have the need to join, or FIT IN!
   Time and maturity is the best gift you can give to you. Time allows you to explore ideas and maturity allows you to know whats wrong or right. In the meantime, volunteer at hospitals, nurseries, and intern at places you think you'd want to work at some day. Give, Give ,and give some more. But take it all in. Think you want to be a pastor? How much will that pay or does it matter?
             Volunteer at a church day camp or the Y if you want to be a child psychologist.  Thinking about becoming an architect? Volunteer or get a paying job at a construction site from the bottom up.
Also think about careers and jobs that are being outsourced and will those jobs still be available or taken over by computers.
       In closing, maybe you want to own your own business so you do need accounting. Trust yourself! It's your money that you will either owe or earn!

Too Soon ? Christmas, About Those Kids

         It's almost never too soon, unless you;re talking about marriage, But we aren't far from Christmas and I'm suggesting people start now to ask families and friends that they usually buy for, what can I get you that you will really use, as far as adults go. Now about those kids who are stuffed with electronics, please it's never too soon to change ideas on gift giving.
        Some suggestions for little ones are a gift certificate to an in house playground where they can jump and climb. Actually that can also be a family gift as the parents enjoy time with the little ones as they burn up enough energy for a full nights sleep. Find out about preteens and teenagers now as far as gift giving and write it down for a time unexpected. Maybe they'd love a day out with just mom or dad or a friend or grandma or yes, grandpa.
       What about piano lessons? Guitar? Overnight at a safe friends home with a phone to call if needed as in, MOM come and get me! Back to the little ones.  If you're giving gifts to someone elses baby, think about this: would I want my child to have it? So many people love to give noisy gifts thinking it's funny-it isn't! Along with that, little ones play with things for minutes at a time then toss it.
       Remember old fort sets? Choose things that kids will use their tiny creative brains for. Think about what adults love then minimize it . This is a challenge to get kids to become creative in a good way. Buy a large roll of brown paper and tape it to the floor or table. Buy paint boards and sit with them and paint, giving them a choice of four colors. Draw a huge hopscotch game on cardboard, or color a bank on cardboard or paper. Make boxes and write in ideas to bank,, adding money as well, but nickels etc. Keep it small or you'll end up broke. One banking idea is, Park time within two weeks. Don't make the time piece too far away as it becomes a disappointment. Get creative! Go to someone who builds and buy odd pieces of wood, sand them down and make your own blocks.
         Theses ideas fit all kids and adults too. If you're strapped for cash, ask for help. Don't let the holidays take away the spirit of giving and receiving . You can always exchange help. Keep it simple and you'll enjoy it too.

He Doesn't Weigh an Inch

       Have you ever heard that expression? I haven't. As a neighbor of my daughters' came over to see us the other day, she sat and drank coffee and listened and watched my grandson play. We chatted about all kinds of things. This lady and her husband have become another set of grandparents and love this little guy to pieces.
        His love is returned as he often tells them he loves them, gives hugs and waves. He also loves to watch the house they live in as the garage door opens and closes. He's like a monitor, or the neighborhood watch, all in one little package. If the man gets in his car to run an errand, baby boy comes dashing back to the table or living room, yelling, car! car! When the man returns home and opens the garage door he yells door! door!
         Well as his new grandma finished her coffee watching this little bundle of happiness lift something, she just grinned and said, he doesn't even weigh an inch does he? That was the first time I ever heard that expression, maybe the last unless Grandma says it again. I love it and her relation to this baby of, unexpected expectations.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

P.E.T.A. Where have you been ?

       We all know, or most of us know about PETA. They marched for Fur coats to protect animal skins from being worn on the wealthy. That was the first I ever heard abut PETA. Over the years PETA has protested against animal abuse. BUT I haven't heard of them investigating Puppy Mills.
 Why? Are they leaving it up to the SPCA? The SPCA does what they can but the puppy mills don't receive enough in the way of fines .
       NOW a big question PETA ! What about horses? Not just any horse, but race horses, Are you PETA only interested in the small catch so you APPEAR to help? Why are you not after the wealthy, rich, spoiled who race horses?  IS it okay to  whip race horses, run them until they sweat, run them until their ankles break, fracture?
        I don't have anything against people who are wealthy, but against PETA who do nothing to help the helpless horses. Sure I've heard how those race horses receive good, quality health care, great food, fine stables. But of course they should, they earned it by way of running their heart beating hoofs out! Jockeys whip them into wining-or not!
         PETA, Where are you? Afraid of the unseen, unknown rich? Unlike celebrities who wear mink in public where PETA will be praised for that public shame and stopping the mink shoulder wraps etc. yet for too many years, Horses are waiting for you. and I'm sure they'll keep waiting!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Good Nights Sleep, Average People

       Okay, getting personal here. Again why does it cost an arm and a leg to get a good mattress that won't sag after the short warranty is up. BY short I mean three to four months without having to pay for them to pick it and and deliver another one plus some crazy fee for the mattress, Maybe the mattress companies simply enjoy making people miserable.
        Once I state the following I know people will think: that's cheap, she's lucky and what else does she expect. Well I can't put in print what I think of those comments, so stay away, step off, get off my jock! Okay I didn't think that last one up, heard Bethany Frankel say in on NY Housewives. Besides I don't wear a jock .
          The mattress I bought a year ago in Texas was 600. Its the bottom o the line but They only had a twin for me to try and twins feel more firm, so I bought it. It's a Beautyrest, Greenwood. I should have known as soon as it arrived. The only Green wood I knew of was a cemetery in Brooklyn! IT started sagging in the middle two months later. I did nothing because I thought it was good enough for visiting which I was doing.
             Here we are in 2017, and I needed a new bed,( not in Texas) knew I wanted a Beautyrest, but at what price this time? My Spine! I called the company, spoke to a guy who wanted to sell from Long Island, who told me the name of the mattress, so I could avoid it.  Hah! too good to be true. I was on a budget, didn't want to charge and fell into the same trap, or should I say, quicksand! Because that's what its like getting out of this bed.
        I'm now resigned to wait until I can afford a casket to get a good nights sleep!

Ladies Shoes, Give us a Break !

       Ladies shoes have become a pain in my arches !  Why is it unless a lady pays an arm and  a leg for a decent pair of shoes or sneakers, she just doesn't get a pair of well fit shoes?  To be honest I don't have an arch problem but I do have a back problem, and many times I just give up looking for good, comfortable, well fitting and nice looking ladies sneakers. Shoes on the other hand is a different story. If I know I'll be wearing them for an hour or so, I just don't try so hard. I detest shopping as it is.
        Now many ladies might say they don't have a problem shoe-shopping at all. I'm tearing up with happiness for ya! But if you have feet that need to be fitted at the Navy yard, well excuse me! People change over the years gain weight, lose weight and feet sizes do change. Of course I can wear men's shoes or sneakers if I want to look really mannish, and I have actually found a pair or two over the years that aren't so bad, but come on  have a heart- and SOLE! 
        I do not want sneakers that have a sole two inches high!  All I ask is for a nice looking pair of well fitted ladies sneakers where manufactures use a ladies foot pattern, not a male foot pattern. Oh yes, I have heard that is becoming the case, manufacturers are using ladies foot models/patterns, but what size? SIX! 
           Oh I forgot, the price is important too, Please, not 299. I'm not a basket ball player.

Two Year- Old's Becoming Friends

        This morning as I took a very short walk with my two year-old grandson, then turned around to walk back, he kept looking back. I glanced up and saw a lady with a stroller walking toward us. I told my little guy, come on sweetie lets go. He did but he continued to look back. I was walking slow anyway and so the young lady caught up with her son in the stroller.
           We both stopped and greeted each other. I asked my little one to shake hands and he very slowly reached out to the other little boy, who was also two. The other child kept his hand closed, but only momentarily, Then they both clasped hands. Introductions were made all around and then I asked if the little boy could walk with my grandson. He sure could and did. That stroller table opened and he jumped right out. In seconds the two, two-year old's were walking and holding hands!
           The other little child talked so fast he sounded like my daughter and he was so cute. Finally my little guy broke loose. This was his first "friend" type experience that I had the happiness of seeing. By end of our short walk and before good-bye were said, I was invited to go along with them to the playground, exchange phone numbers and addresses and because of these two-year old's also made a friend.
           Before I end this, I wanted to also let people know, This young lady told me she was from India and we talked about education, and people who are homeless, all once again because two, two years old's were curious about each other. That's all it took to become friends. I wish I took a picture of them holding hands, but I have it in my heart.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Doozybags/St. Judes Donations

       I am working on selling out most of my items with 40% off. Please take a few moments and check out   Out of any profits I am donating 205 to St. Jude my favorite charity.
Every day we as human beings see children who are sick, dying and families have little or no insurance. At St. Judes no one ever pays, not even for tolls, gas, travel, hotels etc. They give all of what they can to offer families as much peace of mind as possible. Parents have enough to worry about, think about and hope for. I'm hopeful there is something you will find useful. Thank you

Time Has no Mind?

      Well an old friend introduced me to this older saying, if I have it right. Either way I know it's close . Its been a while since we had a good old chat so I guess time lost its mind. We get busy with life, over busy, involved in electronics or hobbies and sometimes just want to be left alone. Next thing ya know, time has gone so quickly that you have to wonder where it went.
           Like old clocks with those huge fingers, then wrist watches that make you squint, now time is on  our phones. Or is it? Time in my opinion is what we decide to do with it.
          Remember being ten or fifteen or even twenty-five? How fast have those years passed ? Like a snap of your fingers time passes so make it all count with your children, family and friends. Remember this too, and I'm sure you've heard it before when asked of a parent or a child; More than anything what can I give you and the answer is usually, spend a day with me or an hour, sit and talk or walk, and turn your phone off. Those lousy phones that have the time as always present, always in our faces, put them away. You'll never get a refund on time! Remember the best gift you can give is time, because with that come memories. No one can steal that!

Don't Wait ! Do it now!

       I have a friend who works at a local convenient store and we all know people who work at those local stores, don't earn a lot of money. For this article it doesn't matter weather if she single or not, has children or not. What matters is how she lives.
       This lady has chosen not to invest in buying a new or newer home and I won't mention if she rents or owns because again, that doesn't matter. What matters is this lady is an example of  living her life the way she wants. The old saying less is more fits her perfectly. She's satisfied, content. I'm sure there are moments she may wish to live with more riches, yet they are fleeting moments.
        With very little, a bit of cash and her camera, she'll take a country drive and snap away, then share for those looking at a different perspective to think of how lucky she is, what shes sees through her view. She has an eye for peaceful things and looking into the past. When I see some of her photos, I take my time and wonder. Who lived there before and what was their life like? Were they happy? Then like many she takes photos of train tracks. That brings me to my time as a kid, always taking a train to the city every day, and yet quickly I wonder about the old tracks in her photos, so old. Where were people going in those days in these small towns? How did they dress? Thoughts run like a maze when I see her photos.
        There are other days when she'll visit an old broken down piece of history, like a prison, or an old graveyard . These are a few ways of how she spends her days, not expensive, but a sense of freedom, and that's whats important, freedom.

TRUMP ! NY Unclaimed Property

       If I didn't see it I wouldn't believe it, but I saw this years ago and sent a letter to Trump Towers in New York that the Trump Organization/s, and now the President himself has unclaimed property at the NY unclaimed property site.
   In addition to Mr. Trump himself and his hotels and other organizations, his daughter Ivanka, his brother (late brother) Fred, listed as Fred and Fred C has money at the NY unclaimed property office. Here are a few ways Trumps organizations are listed:

  • Trump So ho NY
  • Trump Organization Water Front Assests
  • Trump Village
  • Trump Assests
  • Trump Communications
  • Trump Corporation/Palace Condominium 
  • Trump Casino International
     There were quite a few more, but I finished with the Trump family and went on to search, something I enjoy. For those of you who think this is something, not for you, well I also found   money for me, under a 100. This money for you, me and anyone else gets lost in the POSTAL SYSTEM, or is mail not forwarded because a forwarding address wasn't left upon moving. So it lays in limbo somewhere and years later is reported, but you have to search. These state sites hold, security deposits, old bank accounts, old paychecks, investments, inheritances that you may not think were left behind. Search your state and any state you lived in, states your relatives lived in or live in now, and search for old friends. This money is free to get, is yours not the state.
     Go and get it! IT's free, if not free, your on the wrong site. Good Luck1

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Jason Madden, Peter Luger, So Ho Sky Bridge

         Good Morning New York ! Good Morning So Ho and Peter Luger, surrounding businesses.
 Over a year ago I saw a photo print on Facebook and although living in Pennsylvania wanted to gift that print to a friend who lived in Brooklyn. I contacted Jason and the next day he delivered it. He didn't charge me a fee to do that. She fell in love with it !
        Later that night she called me and asked who took that amazing photo and I explained that I never met him but saw his work. From that point on he has proved himself over and over again with beyond amazing shots in the city, Brooklyn, movie re-enactment shots, weddings and more.
       When I saw his latest photo, my first thought was, this belongs in the fine restaurants in N.Y. As I am about to travel, writing this on my desktop and not as technical as many I have to see how to get this latest photo into my blog  I first saw this on my phone so for now find Jason Madden. Better yet for now, Look up Jason Madden on Facebook. Hang his photos high;you'll be happy you did !
 I'm sure as well that he can take any photo assignment you have.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Bon Ton, York Pa. Furniture! Don't buy !

       Save time and aggravation and money! GO anywhere else. I realize we all have different experiences so this is mine. First I bought a sofa, delivered it was the wrong color, and I was allowed to change it. While in the store choosing another sofa, I decided I needed a chair, maybe two for family visits. My salesman was a very nice man, really nice. a total of 662.08 . The salesman stated, I don't understand why they don't sell, Lane makes a good product. I sat, appeared okay, comfortable enough in the store. 
          Yet still not sure I wandered over to the chair and ottoman where my new sofa sat. I sat in a very comfortable stable chair and put my feet up. This set cost 750.  I told Tom, this is sooo comfortable, and he said, yeah, but 750 for a chair when you can get two recliners? I was sucked in and bought them.
      After the two new delivery men arrived, banging the sofa and storm door, I grabbed the storm door hook asking one man to unhook it. He did. It was just a fiasco. I sat in one recliner and when I went to get up, it moved sideways. The other recliner? I sat in it was barely, didn't even want to chance it. Not sure of the time line but soon after I called the store or the customer service line. They knew me from complaining about the wrong color sofa.
       Here is what I was told. They will send an independent man out to check the recliner, if defective, I can exchange it for another one. WHO wants another defective recliner recliner.?  So Vincent came out, said a bolt was loose, said they always have to have a little play in them. BS!!!
He said he'd tighten it, but of course it wasn't defective. I called the store, told if I wanted to return it, it would cost a 90. pick up fee and 15% restocking fee!!! What a joke! They were going to restock a wobbly recliner and sell it to another sucker! I said no, I'll just deal with it.

     Before I go on, I want to mention I did sell the other recliner for less than what I paid for it and I was lucky the man came and tried it out a lot. I told him take your time, no hurry. It didn't move when he got up.
     The one I'm stuck with and paying for wobbles side to  side, hard to put back down and now get this; Vincent said it's better if I reach down for the handle and push it back into position. I never heard of that! The handle after using it to recline is almost on the floor. I am not a kid!
    So here I am paying for garbage. Yes, I sit in it but barely . OH wait, I almost forgot. I have to put a pillow in the lower part to help support my back. Guess what? IT sinks down into the chair. There has to be very little stuffing in this piece of garbage. There I was grabbing the pillow, not a bed pillow, but a thick full pillow from the sofa,. I was fighting and pulling so hard to get it from the chair, like the chair was eating the pillow!  Sounds funny? Yeah in a way, but when you get the bill each month for trash, well you know you've been screwed. Go to Big Lots, Ollies before the Bon Ton, but better items at Boscovs.-Why am I not surprised the Bon Ton has closed or is closing so many stores .

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Deadbeat Dads aka Slug Scum

        Okay I know right away people are saying women are deadbeats too, and yes that's true. However we have a nation of lowlifes who feel if they pay child support, they are so vindictive that it's only for the ex spouse, or girlfriend. Listen up slugscum. Child support pays, helps to pay, medical, dental, psychiatric if needed and if you have mental health problems, your child may too-again HOWEVER, if you have a child not raised like you were chances are the child or children have a better chance.
         You are, pay attention now, slug scum, to how child support is used; Heating bills are higher with children, groceries and more if you have a child with food allergies and milk allergies. Children have to go with the good parent, the sane parent, the parent whose ego has been put aside for their child, the parent whose needs are not first, unike you slug scum, to the grocery store, a doctor appontment with/for mom, and mainly where ever mom goes, baby goes. Slug scum do you understand now? Probably not. Your own wants and needs always came first.
           Your child who is with the wonderful parent needs clothing every year and as much as mom tries to be thrifty, it isnt enough. Your child needs shoes, sneakers, haircuts. You get them don't you slug scum?
           You buy fancy sneakers, tight shirts, probably, sports gear, movies, eating out, booze, cigarettes, haircuts and guessing you don't pay rent but mooch off friends, maybe paying little. I'm guessing too slug scum you have  a parent who has picked up after you financially all your life and now you short weasel you're not even thankful, but expect the good parent to pick up after you by letting it all go as if you don't have to pay for the child you made, or children. I say short because no matter your height, your short. Inside? You have nothing, you are nothing, you are slug scum!
          You, slug scum care about you. You are an actor who can easily pretend to care about a child to others, but as usual its all talk, as always, its all talk. 
       I'm just as sure emotionally your mother has her hand on your zipper, she who controls you, she is the face you see when you attempt to have sex with anyone. Maybe that's why you don't function like a responsible man. A MAN!  A man is not someone who may be, I say may be, an athlete, a salesman of the year, a musician, a celebrity etc. A Man is one who is accountable, responsible for his child and can set a role model figure to pass down, unless a slug scum!
         Statements are heard such as, I have to live too! BS! You don't have to live as if you're only responsible for yourself. YOU don't have to live a life of being able to live anywhere, fly anywhere, participate in anything you want financially, You have bills? HAh! What kind? You moocher! Now the mother of your child has bills, bills for two you slug scum!
           Your car is paid off by someone who picks up the pieces, I'm sure as you probably cried and cried. It's too hard for you to take public trnsportation or walk. You are a moocher and yet you expect your child to live off what? Who? Not you slug scum! You're a loser. Although I'm sure like many you paint a picture of being picked on, that your ex is demaning an unreasonable amount yet it's state logic that orders it you genius moron. You who like many insist you are smarter than courts, judges, lawyers, teachers-oh that's a laugh! Although you earn as much, yet you still want to deprive your child of needs. You are even less than slug scum. A slug is productive. You are not. Hopefully you losers, your mothers will have lessened the grip on your fly, and hopefully her face over time will fade from your bedroom, but I doubt it. It's a mental block you have slug scum. Where ever you are, she is, hand on the zipper, controlling. In the bedroom and out. On the field and out. In your car and out, in your pocket and out,with a girlfriend or boyfriend and without.  In the bathroom and out. How does that feel slugscum? You don't have a thought without her telling you what and how to think!
         You, are nothing, but your child or children with the Good PArent, the sane parent, the sweet parent, the kind and loving, the caring parent, the one who has put aside, fun, ego, dating, living for self-lives for that child, or children. In closing slug scum slides down the drain where it belongs.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Justice for Kenneth A. White

   Five boys, aged fifteen to eighteen, without much thought of their actions, threw a rock and killed a man, a father of four children and now the question is, How long should they be imprisoned for ?
   One "boy" is a legal adults but all are being tried as adults and about two years ago this type of stupidity has become a felony.
    Here is my quick opinion of punishments for these kids. Three years, in some confinement. Can not drive on release, except during daylight. Here comes the real consequences: Since they took a life of a father with four children, the mother is to present them with a bill of what the father would have earned-while they were confined- and start to pay her back, then from the point of release, get jobs and for the next many years remain on probation until her youngest child reaches eighteen and while on probation these five young men are to financially take care of repairs either   through payments or fixing it them selves. Here's an example: If she needed a plumbing repair and this is her choice,whatever the cost is, is to be divided by five or she she allows, one or two will come over and repair. This includes mowing, painting her house, auto repairs, anything the father of her children would normally do.
    Should she marry and that man earns less than the father of her children, those five young men, financially fill in the rest. All has to be on time payments. If they don't complete this, back to jail for breaking probation, for ten years. If her husband earns the same or better amount, the remaining time until her youngest child reaches 18, these five guys simply send in 100. per person to the mom until the youngest reaches 18.
   Although they are kids, they knew that holy crap, I could kill someone, but nope, not one backed out. If they are imprisoned a long time, enough for their brains to mature, they may only learn how to become a real thug and society pays as it will but for how long is up to a jury at this point. Allowing them out with pay back restrictions, put it back on them.