Monday, June 4, 2018

Time Has no Mind?

      Well an old friend introduced me to this older saying, if I have it right. Either way I know it's close . Its been a while since we had a good old chat so I guess time lost its mind. We get busy with life, over busy, involved in electronics or hobbies and sometimes just want to be left alone. Next thing ya know, time has gone so quickly that you have to wonder where it went.
           Like old clocks with those huge fingers, then wrist watches that make you squint, now time is on  our phones. Or is it? Time in my opinion is what we decide to do with it.
          Remember being ten or fifteen or even twenty-five? How fast have those years passed ? Like a snap of your fingers time passes so make it all count with your children, family and friends. Remember this too, and I'm sure you've heard it before when asked of a parent or a child; More than anything what can I give you and the answer is usually, spend a day with me or an hour, sit and talk or walk, and turn your phone off. Those lousy phones that have the time as always present, always in our faces, put them away. You'll never get a refund on time! Remember the best gift you can give is time, because with that come memories. No one can steal that!

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