Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Good Nights Sleep, Average People

       Okay, getting personal here. Again why does it cost an arm and a leg to get a good mattress that won't sag after the short warranty is up. BY short I mean three to four months without having to pay for them to pick it and and deliver another one plus some crazy fee for the mattress, Maybe the mattress companies simply enjoy making people miserable.
        Once I state the following I know people will think: that's cheap, she's lucky and what else does she expect. Well I can't put in print what I think of those comments, so stay away, step off, get off my jock! Okay I didn't think that last one up, heard Bethany Frankel say in on NY Housewives. Besides I don't wear a jock .
          The mattress I bought a year ago in Texas was 600. Its the bottom o the line but They only had a twin for me to try and twins feel more firm, so I bought it. It's a Beautyrest, Greenwood. I should have known as soon as it arrived. The only Green wood I knew of was a cemetery in Brooklyn! IT started sagging in the middle two months later. I did nothing because I thought it was good enough for visiting which I was doing.
             Here we are in 2017, and I needed a new bed,( not in Texas) knew I wanted a Beautyrest, but at what price this time? My Spine! I called the company, spoke to a guy who wanted to sell from Long Island, who told me the name of the mattress, so I could avoid it.  Hah! too good to be true. I was on a budget, didn't want to charge and fell into the same trap, or should I say, quicksand! Because that's what its like getting out of this bed.
        I'm now resigned to wait until I can afford a casket to get a good nights sleep!

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