Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Two Year- Old's Becoming Friends

        This morning as I took a very short walk with my two year-old grandson, then turned around to walk back, he kept looking back. I glanced up and saw a lady with a stroller walking toward us. I told my little guy, come on sweetie lets go. He did but he continued to look back. I was walking slow anyway and so the young lady caught up with her son in the stroller.
           We both stopped and greeted each other. I asked my little one to shake hands and he very slowly reached out to the other little boy, who was also two. The other child kept his hand closed, but only momentarily, Then they both clasped hands. Introductions were made all around and then I asked if the little boy could walk with my grandson. He sure could and did. That stroller table opened and he jumped right out. In seconds the two, two-year old's were walking and holding hands!
           The other little child talked so fast he sounded like my daughter and he was so cute. Finally my little guy broke loose. This was his first "friend" type experience that I had the happiness of seeing. By end of our short walk and before good-bye were said, I was invited to go along with them to the playground, exchange phone numbers and addresses and because of these two-year old's also made a friend.
           Before I end this, I wanted to also let people know, This young lady told me she was from India and we talked about education, and people who are homeless, all once again because two, two years old's were curious about each other. That's all it took to become friends. I wish I took a picture of them holding hands, but I have it in my heart.

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