Monday, June 11, 2018

College ? Think Again, It's Your Money !

       By now most know unless you're heading to college to become a lawyer, teacher, doctor etc. You may just end up paying for loans for time. spent. Administrators may tell you, you get a year before you need to start paying off college loans, but they don't really sit down with kids and show them in black and white what a money scam loans are if you get in a situation where you don't get that high paying job or career you thought you'd get by going to college.
        A Ten thousand dollar loan, can quickly add up to twenty thousand in two years if you can't pay.  So maybe at the tender age of eighteen you need time and space to fill up your bank account and your maturity account.
          Give yourself the most important gift you can, TIME! Do you think if you don't rush off to college you'll never go because mom and dad are telling you that? Not gonna happen. If you deeply want to go, You will go when You are ready! Parents push kids into college and some never return because theirs an element of college indifference when it comes to planning, finances, parties and become one of the kids who have the need to join, or FIT IN!
   Time and maturity is the best gift you can give to you. Time allows you to explore ideas and maturity allows you to know whats wrong or right. In the meantime, volunteer at hospitals, nurseries, and intern at places you think you'd want to work at some day. Give, Give ,and give some more. But take it all in. Think you want to be a pastor? How much will that pay or does it matter?
             Volunteer at a church day camp or the Y if you want to be a child psychologist.  Thinking about becoming an architect? Volunteer or get a paying job at a construction site from the bottom up.
Also think about careers and jobs that are being outsourced and will those jobs still be available or taken over by computers.
       In closing, maybe you want to own your own business so you do need accounting. Trust yourself! It's your money that you will either owe or earn!

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