Wednesday, June 6, 2018

P.E.T.A. Where have you been ?

       We all know, or most of us know about PETA. They marched for Fur coats to protect animal skins from being worn on the wealthy. That was the first I ever heard abut PETA. Over the years PETA has protested against animal abuse. BUT I haven't heard of them investigating Puppy Mills.
 Why? Are they leaving it up to the SPCA? The SPCA does what they can but the puppy mills don't receive enough in the way of fines .
       NOW a big question PETA ! What about horses? Not just any horse, but race horses, Are you PETA only interested in the small catch so you APPEAR to help? Why are you not after the wealthy, rich, spoiled who race horses?  IS it okay to  whip race horses, run them until they sweat, run them until their ankles break, fracture?
        I don't have anything against people who are wealthy, but against PETA who do nothing to help the helpless horses. Sure I've heard how those race horses receive good, quality health care, great food, fine stables. But of course they should, they earned it by way of running their heart beating hoofs out! Jockeys whip them into wining-or not!
         PETA, Where are you? Afraid of the unseen, unknown rich? Unlike celebrities who wear mink in public where PETA will be praised for that public shame and stopping the mink shoulder wraps etc. yet for too many years, Horses are waiting for you. and I'm sure they'll keep waiting!

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