Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Ladies Shoes, Give us a Break !

       Ladies shoes have become a pain in my arches !  Why is it unless a lady pays an arm and  a leg for a decent pair of shoes or sneakers, she just doesn't get a pair of well fit shoes?  To be honest I don't have an arch problem but I do have a back problem, and many times I just give up looking for good, comfortable, well fitting and nice looking ladies sneakers. Shoes on the other hand is a different story. If I know I'll be wearing them for an hour or so, I just don't try so hard. I detest shopping as it is.
        Now many ladies might say they don't have a problem shoe-shopping at all. I'm tearing up with happiness for ya! But if you have feet that need to be fitted at the Navy yard, well excuse me! People change over the years gain weight, lose weight and feet sizes do change. Of course I can wear men's shoes or sneakers if I want to look really mannish, and I have actually found a pair or two over the years that aren't so bad, but come on  have a heart- and SOLE! 
        I do not want sneakers that have a sole two inches high!  All I ask is for a nice looking pair of well fitted ladies sneakers where manufactures use a ladies foot pattern, not a male foot pattern. Oh yes, I have heard that is becoming the case, manufacturers are using ladies foot models/patterns, but what size? SIX! 
           Oh I forgot, the price is important too, Please, not 299. I'm not a basket ball player.

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