Monday, June 11, 2018

He Doesn't Weigh an Inch

       Have you ever heard that expression? I haven't. As a neighbor of my daughters' came over to see us the other day, she sat and drank coffee and listened and watched my grandson play. We chatted about all kinds of things. This lady and her husband have become another set of grandparents and love this little guy to pieces.
        His love is returned as he often tells them he loves them, gives hugs and waves. He also loves to watch the house they live in as the garage door opens and closes. He's like a monitor, or the neighborhood watch, all in one little package. If the man gets in his car to run an errand, baby boy comes dashing back to the table or living room, yelling, car! car! When the man returns home and opens the garage door he yells door! door!
         Well as his new grandma finished her coffee watching this little bundle of happiness lift something, she just grinned and said, he doesn't even weigh an inch does he? That was the first time I ever heard that expression, maybe the last unless Grandma says it again. I love it and her relation to this baby of, unexpected expectations.

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