Wednesday, July 11, 2018

First Foster Child(adult) Found-But Again....

       A few days ago my daughter found the first foster son who I've been searching for, for such a long time. He actually has, had five accounts on FB. I'm not sure where or how to begin with what I felt when I saw some of his life, what he's joined and the tragedy that hit him hard. He had a baby girl who died and I'm not sure how long after birth as he had a picture of her as a newborn sitting on a table with candles, as a memory of passing on.
        He now has a son about four or five years old and I did see on yet another FB account a daughter about three, Those children are beautiful and the boy looks like C.B.'s twin. But he, he is lost in a world that I can only imagine.
         C is part of  a group, that some may call a cult. I see it as a group of young men and some women, not many who are lost, feel they don't belong to the average society or any society except the one there in. This is what happens when kids feel like they no longer matter. They seek to matter, no matter how. They want to be counted, loved, mattered and have a feeling of being needed. 
           I never would have recognized him if I didn't study his face, as well as looking at his other pages. There is one picture where he is sitting and he states' I feel like I'm going crazy. Deeply sad of course. As I look on his Fb pages I don't see any family connections and then I saw a photo of his sister who lives out of state. Both C and his sister who was a baby at the time and an older brother were all in foster care.
     His brother was a few years older and lived with a family who treated him more like a servant than a child. When I met him along with the father and baby sister, he said he was just going to take it until he was old enough to graduate and get out. He did complain to his caseworker who told him, all kids have chores. I believe that. It's easier than confronting a foster parent who's obnoxious and moving a child. The boy didn't want to move. He liked his school and was involved in football, had friends.
       Well as rough and sad as my first foster son looks, I am still trying to find him, hoping to just talk, learn what happened in between. It's always the in between and what happens prior to foster care that counts.

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