Friday, July 13, 2018

Boy Scouts Pushes, Boy Dies from Heat Stroke

       As I sat and listened to this heart wrenching story of a boy who died, parents crushed because of a senseless, didn't need to happen, never should have happened, losing their son from heat stroke. But it was just heat stroke. This young boy was supposed to be on a certain trail for beginners and he just learned how to backpack. He wasn't physically fit to be on another trail where he was and climbed/hiked about three miles. At the top of the climb he kept grabbing water, knowing something was wrong. He had heat stroke!
         The parents were called and drove to the site as fast as they could. IT was too late. He died and the boy scouts gave him the badge he earned. This piece to me was an insult. I heard this story on The Doctors tonight and one of the doctors stated, but he did get his badge and this is a good organization. She wanted also to make sure people knew there is a wrongful death suit against The Boy Scouts. WHY? What was her purpose in doing that, saying that first, what?
      Damn right there should be a lawsuit! Wow, so great he earned a badge! IT wasn't worth it. Who Put that boy on the risky trail. The temperature was one point away from, too hot to hike, yet the hike went n putting all those kids at risk. WHY???
              Heat stroke happens to anyone anywhere at anytime. Mowing the lawn which brought me back to my daughter years ago. She wanted to mow and my son washed dishes. It was what they wanted. She convinced me she was fine, it wasn't that hot out. For me, any summer day is too hot. She used a push mower and it wasn't long before she came in face flushed, laying flat out on the floor. That ended mowing on too hot days. IT was only grass after all, and not too long after I hired a kid who had a riding mower. Thank God she was okay.
     Kids who play football now practice at night. Why? It's still too hot. Find indoor arenas to play. Better yet, dump these summer sports that bring on so many head injuries and heat strokes, and heart attacks. You need your child and your children need you. No matter how much they beg, love wins out. Don't let them talk you into this stuff where other adults who want to look good are n charge of your kids, make these life and DEATH decisions.
     Sure many of you are thinking I'm over reacting. But these are kids, KIDS!  You're in control, PROTECT them, love them, keep them safe, as safe as you can.

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