Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Congressman/Women, Glorified Welfare

       Everyone is aware of the cycle of welfare with many families. I'm not writing about those in serious need. Isn't the cycle of our congress the same? Do those on welfare work ? Some do under the table because of need to supplement their needs, just like congress who sleep during sessions. They're supplementing their needs. Have you ever watched a law take effect? Have you read what is supped to be read to make a law?  I have. I've done that with a foster son.
      I took him to visit a congressman from Philadelphia with an appointment. We were expected. I bought this child a new suit, shoes, took him to a barber and had the congressman's initials carved into the side, shaved into the side of his hair. This was an African American congressman as was the child who was thirteen.  I was looking for a role model. But what I found was a man who ended up by saying basically, I can't use him because you said I can't use his picture. If a child is with Children and youth, their photo cannot be used for publicity. That congressman has since been arrested.
        Back to GLORIFIED Welfare and Congress. They call it term limits. I call is a cycle of abuse!
They collect without little giving back. They take and take and take, long after they retire or resign. They're families receive benefits ! When will it stop ? It won't. Like Welfare, until someone puts a stop to it, this is what we get.
       Both receivers are like a team and both want more, never satisfied to the entitlements they get and they always want more. This is why congress has a heart for Welfare. They understand very well the cycle of accepting freebies.
      Many won't read this or even care but those who do and want to do something need to vote out every freeloading congressman and woman and start fresh. Yes, I know there are a few good people working for the US, but so what ! Don't give them a chance to become welfare accepting in congress. Vote new people in who will work for what they get and if we don't see changes in their two years, out they go! Don't take any BS like well it takes more than two years for change!  IT doesn't and you know it. How soon does it take for them to vote raises in for themselves? A few weeks?
      Remember this is only the high end of Welfare Glorified ! They have all of the they want, need, and so much more. They don't wait to see a doctor, kids go to the best schools, drive great cars, live in fine homes, have maids, wear fancy eyeglasses-no I'm not being petty but realistic. They don't save for a vacation, stay in cheap motels, have to do without a/c or heating. Their dental needs are easily met, not waiting for  a dentist who might see them if they have enough money or insurance. If their car breaks down, they fix it. It doesn't sit until they can afford. These people are the WEALTHY WELFARE-The CYCLE of using and abusing the system they set up for themselves ! Vote them all out!

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