Sunday, September 2, 2018

View from a Chair

Guest blogger Miriam-

        As I sit here and wait- time passes well. The view is imaginable. Right this moment I see rushing water cascading over rocks, rushing to endless bubbles and crashing into the rivers it meets. Now a sky of a turquoise color with few white clouds, that mirrors into the same color river, long, so long and narrow.
The View isn't presently realistic, it comes from a TV screen in a hospital, but with these wonderful views come the realistic views of this room and corridors. People walking who have heart diseases or who have had heart surgeries. But they are walking. Yesterday there were many people discharged! Other views are nurses walking with their medical info desks, all portable with med information, schedules and whatever is needed to make things better for someones heart, like diet and exercise. I see a scale across the hall but haven't been weighed, and haven't seen anyone weighed. Maybe the concern isn't weight, but education and face to face information and hands on help and getting home with the proper care and atmosphere.

    I'm so very thankful to be where I am and have the children I have who not only care and love me, but are raising their children to care, to have consequences now rather than later, and not understand why they're just getting a consequence when they're fifteen or twelve. I'm so thankful I've been staying with family, so very thankful.  SO many people, old and young who live alone and don't have anyone would be terrified now, and yes, others as well would be terrified. Sure I was scared a day later when told I had to have a certain surgery, but talking a lot with family and both myself and them being honest about it all helps so much.
       Unexpected expectations is hard on people. How often have we said but I didn't know, or I didn't expect. Well If you haven't been in this situation, how would you know? Even if you have been through this situation, or something much worse, its always good to know the truth, the expectations and the rules. Never, ever give up or give in. Never ever quit. You owe it to your self, your family, grandchildren, caregivers and the medical profession.
   The view is one of hope. Hope for a longer and healthier life. That's the best of all views. 👪💝💝💝💝

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