Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Just Blue & Family Neighbors

From Guest Blogger Miriam

      As I lay trying to nap too late today, I turned over and saw something blue, and then I smiled. IT first sends a message of freedom. We all interpret art differently and to me this is art. Next I see a blue butterfly and even more I see a ballerina, all in blue by a little boy who's first initial is B. IT just made me smile. IT is a water color painting made by a toddler who comes to visit me. I love these type of creations. I have several at home from other toddlers and young kids, my grandchildren.!
      Watching them grow as often as possible brings a new light and new life into my heart, hearing them pronounce words, facial expressions, clapping, shrugging their shoulders, trying to put their own clothes on, is all wonderful. I think as we age we forget the reality of our own children as the same age, as least I can speak for myself. But What I do see in each child are pieces of their parents, mannerisms, personality and how they love, how the mimic and what things they like that are the same as the parents.
        We look into their eyes, the curve of their smiles, the way they walk and say, oh that's just like Mike or Jenny. Proud parents, proud giving children who have learned to be good citizens because they follow what mom and dad do. Pictures, videos, ribbons of races run with little legs. Red flushed faces of pride from racing, riding, giving, spreading good stuff and Christmas, cold air and snow.
       Then there's the Basket Brigade, at Thanksgiving where the baby learns from mommy more about giving and donating to people who don't have what many others have. A brother and sister related through love and connected by GIVING. Can you imagine their children ? I still remember Spend save, and give by one parents, a daughter-in-law who's as great a role model as anyone could be.
         A little one barely able to talk who knows how to donate by choosing toys and stuffed animals to give, and another who with mom bakes cookies to bring to the fire dept. driven by a dad who takes them out to breakfast and where they meet seniors who have a connection to these children.
       Then there is a community of supporting people who fell in love with one little guy and his mom. A guy next door, a woman two doors and and retired parents across this little street who all donate life experiences and love, and oh a teenager who walks his dog and loves to wave and talk to this toddler.
          It takes so little to share love, like a little blue painting, drawings done by brothers, a short video saying, I love you Grandma, or another toddler saying WUV you. I am so blessed as the saying goes.
       Neighbors are wonderful in some areas. I was talking to a young lady who wanted to talk with me about God and up pops the subject of neighbors. I explained about the neighbors where my house is located, how everyone keeps to them selves unless they have a complaint. Yup good neighbors alright. Of there are two nice enough neighbors, but still they prefer to remain by themselves which is why in some ways I miss NY, or apartment life. I only know the neighbors next door to my sons' home and they are friendly but I really don't know them well enough to mention anything about them except if my son and his wife needed anything, those neighbors would be ther.

        Then I learned about my daughters neighbors, This very small community of love. That's exactly what it is. They watch over her , smile, wave, chat, visit and always ask , If I can do anything, let me know. They mean it too, not just words. Since day one they wanted to know her and her baby, they wanted to be there for her, with her and they became a family giving her a sense of, I'm so glad I moved here. I love those family neighbors!
       Yes, some move in and out but basically the tiny block is more than a neighborhood, It gives a true meaning of family and I'm fortunate to know them, visit a lot and have joined this tiny block of belonging. My sister and brother-in-law live across the street, and nephew lives next door, and my cousin lives two doors down. That's how I label them in my heart, family!



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