Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dr. Oz Real Concerns , what are they?

       As I sit on my lazy backside, due to a nagging and uncomfortable back, I find myself as usual getting up and down out of boredom and not wanting to give in to this ache. So here comes Dr. Oz.
       If you are not confused by now, you should be because he is more complex than the vitamins we take. His first guest today was a DR. Alejandro Junger who was on one time before. He did a show segment on a three day cleanse, concerned with vitamins and eating correctly, and had five or six female guest to talk about how wonderful his way is and how beneficial it is. No men? That would be rare and I no longer wonder why. Anyway a big part of his presentation is how the stomach has a brain bigger than the one in our head and to me it all made sense.
For you, if it makes sense, well that might help too.
      Okay so now this other guy comes on. He is a chef/writer for a big newspaper, whose name escapes me. But his take on food is this: go vegan before six P.M. after that, have  a steak, milk, dessert etc. completely opposite of Dr. Oz previous guest, both on the same show.
      So how is Dr. Oz credible? I am so confused and have decided now to no longer watch his show. It's too many times he hawks vitamins and supplements and I bet if I did a through search I would see where some guests said, do not take them as they can be dangerous. I have seen at least one show like that, just don't remember who the guest was.
   Mamet Oz is a well meaning and educational TV host, but first and foremost he is a heart surgeon. Now with his daughter also having a TV show, I just wonder how he is operating.

YEA! Chris Broussard ESPN

       Put your hate away. I am not attacking people who are gay. What I am attacking is the people who are so quick to hate others who have opinions using their rights of FREE SPEECH !
   Look at all of the groups of people who have free speech rights without threats of getting fired and beat up and spit upon. If J.D.HAkes said the same thing about this basketball player would the reaction be the same? I doubt it. Please don't take out of context what Chris Broussard said. He is talking about sin in general.
     He is talking about sin and how much of a braggart people we have become as if all of the things we do wrong are okay and accepted. People brag about cheating on their spouses, having an illegal gun, sneaking into the country, selling drugs, posting sex crimes on face book, killing children. I too wonder why is this all okay? Yes I know it isn't, so where do people get the idea it's okay to shout your wrongdoings to others?
    We need to turn the clock back to a period in time when SHAME meant something. That's an odd word isn't it. How many men sexually abused their kids with wives knowing all along, yet who was the person who was ashamed, the victim. When it comes to sexual crimes, even today, it is the victim who is made to feel the shame. So within that is it a male vs. female double standard thing? Yes, without a doubt. It's also power, adult verses child and victim.
    Now we come back to the times we live in today. We don't bother with our neighbors, too busy. We won't help unless it involves money (not true of everyone I know) Social media has become our best friend, and so it's very easy to attack from our computers, twitter, face book and iphones. That's called social cowardism. Free Speech is meant for everyone, not just the side you take, and the person you agree with. Have a nice face book day.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Market $$$ Warriors, Friends' Treasures

       Public Broadcasting Stations are worth a second look especially when favorite shows are threatened. Because of Market Warriors I have learned a few new words when it comes to treasure, and antique hunting. Market Warriors is something like The Antiques road show but a tad more educational in a way we all need to know what will sell and where. Here is why it has become even more interesting to me.
     A friend of mine who has a collection of about five or six different kinds of memorabilia wasn't sure of it's worth. She and I talked about this a few times over the past few years. My interest was solely in her and her now late husband getting insurance, not just for her home furnishings but those collections.
    Now with her as a sole owner, it's more important to have insurance. Here is where John and Tina Bruno come in. They are the owners of Flamingo Events. and or Flamingo Productions  I've visited this site a few times this weekend and learned more and more about the Bruno's, past and present.
       With years of expertise and wisdom I spoke with Tina Bruno who offered such great advice on how to go about getting an appraisal for my friend. I then spoke with my friend in New York who is now more anxious to learn and go about sorting, arranging, indexing and getting a value on her collections.Sometime within a month, hopefully this process can be started.
     Now, back to PBS and Market Warriors. The cast of Market Warriors are as I first mentioned John Bruno, also known as The Professor,Bob Richter, The Designer, Bene Raia, The Auctioneer, Miller Gafney, The Assessor and finally Kevin Bruneau, The Prowler. Mark Walberg is the host.
    This show is to go off the air ! Why? I don't know but can guess it has to do with money. How many shows today offer such a variety of intellectual cast members in culture, age, gender and minority. IS this something PBS is afraid of?
      This show needs to be passed on, and used as an example to our children and grandchildren concerned with generations of values, and where we place our value. Each cast member has their own take on what is valuable and why. It's that individual self-worth, that individual culture and life experiences that makes this show unique. One of a kind Market Warriors is soon to be gone. What does that happen. It's the one of a kind we need, we need to save. Please, anyone and everyone who values their own cultures and history and generations of history, call your Public Broadcasting station and let them know how and why you fell to keep this show as it is and where it is. At the very least, let another station pick it up. If I can't watch it here, I'll travel at least once a month to watch it elsewhere.
    Don't let go of this show. It is not just entertainment, it teaches us all. Market Warriors let those who don't know if an item is worth keeping or not and why. It could be a cultural value history as well as financial. Many times something is worth a lot of money in Georgia for example, but   not much in another state. We hear about Sothebys, and Christies and other auctions houses, but on Market Warriors, it's you who counts and now is your time to be counted again. Save this program. Call PBS-it takes five minutes. Thanks
P.S. Don't Throw it out, check it out!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sugars in Yogurts ! 27 Grams ?

      Crapola, was I surprised to learn this yesterday on Dr. Oz so last night at suppertime when I went grocery shopping, I checked out a couple of yogurts. The store brand had 12 grams of sugar, and a pro biotic kind had 22 grams of Sugar. This guy, Michael Pollan said Yogurt if already sweetened had as much sugar in them as a bottle of soda !
    His suggestion is buy plain yogurt and add what you want, so that will be another change I make. I love yogurt. He also suggested to eat a tablespoon of sauerkraut a day. I am back on balancing food, mixed with exercise, working around the home and making bags.
    Here is a few hits to making shopping easier and it really can be weather you work outside the home or not.
  • Shop during supper hours. That helps with standing on lines and traffic
  • Make a list and stick to it by meal planning first
  • go on line and check out your store isles, where is everything located
  • redo your list accordingly-it's worth it. That way there is none of the..oh where is the pasta
  • Cut out one typical sweet and replace it with cantaloupe
As important, bring reusable bags-yesterday I was asked this for a first time. For those who have reusable bags, you are entered into a free food give-a -way.
Good luck with your shopping and read those labels for sugars where you least expect it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting Child Support, How to's

       Do you have an ex-spouse or boy friend, girlfriend who owe support? We live in very poor financial times and I know for just one person it's hard to just get by, however there is rarely an excuse for not paying anything, and that goes for women and men.
    Here are a few suggestions on how to get support. The very first thing is you have to have a case set up at domestic relations and or a court order. Without that, you are screwed to be blunt.
    So we'll start by assuming you have one or the other. Domestic relations is better because of record keeping, and now here is a list on how to get support:
  •     Attach  income tax refunds
  •     attach support through a job via paychecks
  •     Put a lien on his/her automobile-it cannot be sold unless you get paid via the sale-every state is different and in some states the car due to the value cannot have a lien added. An example: my ex's car was valued at 500.. In his state he was allowed the first 1200. for the simple reason he needed a car to work. He didn't know that and ended up beating his very fancy auto into oblivion.
  •     Put a lien on  a home-it cannot to sold at all unless a stipulation is made that you are paid first
  •   The non supporting person is telling you they do not work? Have someone follow them and get proof, taking it to domestic relations.
  •   Is the non supporting person on disability or retirement? Even better. Make a claim to social security. The non supporting parents may already be receiving 75% percent extra for any child or children without saying the children do not live with them. For disability a person receives 75% for a child. With retirement, I am reasonable certain it's 25%
  •    Now go for it! Parents, male and female need to support their children.
  •   Good luck

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brooklyn's Salty Dog & a Candyman

       In case you never heard of a salty dog, I'm about to tell you the best kind.
Located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn on third avenue between seventy-fifth and seventy-sixth street, it's a restaurant, and a bar, and both suit me very well.
       This past Saturday was very important for me as I finally got back there with a childhood friend of mine. We missed too many times at The Salty Dog and made up fr them Saturday. The Salty Dog is a Firehouse, converted into a bar/Restaurant where generations of families and friends meet for a fantastic time of food and drink and meeting up with acquaintances, and the best of the best. For me that means, Larry and Kelly and I am sorry I forgot the guy who deserves a lot of thanks, their busboy/young man. I watched him so busy Saturday keeping his eye on a path of traffic so as not to bump into anyone or on anyone.
     As this good looking and pleasant personality guy zoomed in and out, tables were cleared to keep busy servers, busy and a kitchen cooking. These three, Larry, Kelly and the busy bus boy make things work. For reasons not important here I am able to go up, only about once a year, and boy is it memorable.
    This particular evening my friend and I who recently lost her husband and son two days apart, two months ago, very much needed this time out. The people who were taking care of us gave us attention which only meets the highest of standards when it comes to personal attention. For myself who rarely has a drink I usually order two, and a great burger and fries. However my usual drink wasn't available and while I waited, I see a man pass us who is an old neighborhood friend of my friends'. His nickname is, The candy Man. I think he caught my eye first as my friends' back was toward him, so he gave a quick turn about and stopped to offer condolences. She was not only happy to see a familiar face, but comforted in his words.
     As he needed to leave to make deliveries, the bartender came to me with Larry. Wow was he personable and I meant to get his name, but didn't. Sorry guy:)
Either way he suggested a certain drink as did Larry ensuring it was a tasty drink. So yes, I went with the guys and it was great, called The Nutty Irishman, I could have had four, but knew better or I might just hop, yup hop on the bar and dance.
    Kelly returned a few times, Larry stopped passing but not hovering to make sure we had what we wanted. Kelly had a nice chat with us as the restaurant was slowing down. The Candy Man stopped again to talk more to my friend and invite us both over to his home another time and I watched as my friend had a whole and complete, feel good experience. She didn't want to leave suggesting I have another drink, but if I did, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions:)
     For the bartender, I am sorry I didn't say so long and thanks again for your kind words. Your personality was so welcoming my friend noticed too and let me know what a great and freeing night this is turning out to be.
    For anyone who might read this weather you live close to the Salty Dog or are going to Brooklyn, please do your self a favor. Start with dinner and take some time to check the menu. Listen to the servers. They do know their food as well as beverages very well. It's a blast. It may be a ,little noisy at times, but so what. You're out for a good time right. Take plenty of money, have a few drinks and show your appreciation at the end of an awesome evening. By the way, they also have  a DJ. Music was just starting as we were leaving.
    On my next trip, I want to plan to adjust my time so I alternate lunch and dinners at The Salty Dog. My Friend wants to go to the local hotel  as I usually stay there. It's all about new experiences, some things she has put off way too long. So just imagine, a hotel stay, waking up when yo want and then meals and music at The Salty Dog. One last note, while I love Larry, Kelly, The bus guy, and now adding the bartender, I have been there enough to have different servers, and I've been there with teen boys(foster care) and family and never a negative comment. Bringing the kids in from another state I Let them know about my favorite place to dine. these kids always ask to go back.
      Larry, Kelly and the whole Salty Dog team, I am sincerely thankful to all of you for making me feel like one of the neighborhood regulars. That's what it's all about.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bombers' Parents & Families

      Tonight I saw a very angry father hearing his twenty-six year old son was killed by the police and his wife on the side saying they have no proof. Yes, they do have proof, but I understand why they're angry, simply because they can't believe they're boys would so such a thing.With all of the news, there is nothing but proof, but imagine being the parents of these brothers? Chances are they will never believe it, after all these guys were doing  very well here in America for such a long time.
        What made them turn against a country who welcomed them with open arms. Was it the fact that the other brother could not box for the US because he wasn't a citizen? Did they want to be religious hero's of some kind? No one knows anything yet, anything to give the public an idea about all of the whys.
    An Aunt in Canada stated they were set up. Who put the bomb in the older brothers hand to throw at cops? Is that being set-up? But that's how families respond when they know their kids, and nephews in a way we didn't know them.
     As I watched the angry father yell how the police killed his son, there were no words of compassion concerning the people here who were killed, maimed and whose families' lives were split in two because of these two young men. I wonder if the younger brother just wanted to be like his older brother and never thought about an ending. What an ending. So very sad.
     This is a Christian community in Boston as in many cities. and I bet you will hear people saying, we have to pray for their parents too. No one wins. Lives are lost, shattered and twisted and now fear and suspicion will replace trust and bravado. But I suspect not for long. People do go on. Time does heal and coping takes over.
       Right now, possibly because the younger brother is alive, so far, the parents of these two will realize something changed and hopefully will learn and accept the truth no matter how hard and how deeply it hurts and will have to emotionally face the little kids they raised, lost there way. They will also have to face that horrible word, terrorist. Can you imagine?

Sepsis Kills,a Cut to Death

     In a way I'm lucky to watch all the shows I do, getting information and passing it on to others, but so sad.
     A young boy started out with a cut and later on that day he had a fever, off to the hospital which released him knowing he was in danger according to the tests they did and didn't inform mom and dad.
     Within twenty-four hours his legs ,fingers and body started to run black and yes back at the hospital where the parents again weren't informed as to how bad he was, except with one doctor finally coming out and saying their son was gravely ill. Five minutes later, another doctor comes out to say, he's gone.
    This was on Dr. Oz. He showed how a cut goes from one point to another, that suddenly it looks like a shiny hole surrounded by that shine crusty look and the infection is below the surface which can be seen.
    Many years ago my son had a staff infection. He hit his arm while skateboarding just outside the house. I was close by and almost home and so when I walked in there he was, laying on the floor, with a face so red and arm so hot, I knew I was picking him up somehow, in the car and to the hospital. He was a big twelve year old, but I did get him in the car and rushed to the Er. There I was told how easily a fever can get out of hand and how people die from staff infections.
    Parents don't anyone ever tell you what your instinct tells you about your children. Hospitals are overworked at times, but that's not a reason or excuse to hush you up and tell you to take them home, it's just a fever. That's what the parents of the young boy was told. They trusted the doctors and took him home where everything just escalated, until a return to the hospital to die. It's called Sepsis, remember that word.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Coffee & Heart Test, For Your Health

       Are you a big coffee drinker? I am or was. I think the past few years it's stared to bother me so I educated myself by sharing things with my doctor. He explained how caffeine destroys white brain matter which affects senility. WOW! That was enough to make me cut back.
        But even after I was having chest pains, but unusual chest pains, like a three inch and very narrow pain on the upper left side. So I went cold turkey and quit coffee. Still for a few days I had those same pains and no I didn't go to the doctor because I just finished with so many tests and everything came back fine. I couldn't believe it because of my weight and age.
         Well after I got past a few headaches from coffee withdrawal, I went about my usual daily business and suddenly noticed about ten days later, no more chest pains. The past few days I started to grab a cup of coffee again at a local convenience store. One of these equal two cups and I was buying two and sometimes three. Yup, back again. Now today I took heavy wash to dry, having a broken dryer, but feeling good and wanting to clean my car so off I went for the afternoon and did things I haven't usually been doing lately. Cleaning the car, I vigorously used that long hose vac cleaner, front  and back seats, in the trunk and ah, all done. On the way home I stopped and bout one of the bigger coffees and yes when I go home, about a half an hour later, it started again, those same familiar pains. It does feel muscular, but I will not be back on coffee again. It's just too uncertain.
      Coffee takes years to catch up to you. It's just like kids who drink mountain dew and all of those colas. Either way, I will be watching myself as life is too short and I just stared a gym schedule again, anxious to get on a treadmill and lift weights. Before we go to a doctor wee worry about bills, appearing like some kind of a nut etc. but screw that! It will all work out. Go see your doctor and if you're not satisfied, get another opinion. Good luck saying good-bye to coffee. But it's worth it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today, I Went NAKED !!!!

     Yes and in public too. YOU may have heard of it and if you try you too may feel what I did. Naked comes in a bottle and is a health drink. I was first introduced to it by my son and at first I wasn't too sure I liked it, so on his next visit I tried it again, and decided, yup, I like it.
     So today I went in and bought a bottle. Don't let the green color turn you away. It looks like grass and spinach together, but has kiwi in it as well as pineapple, apples, banana, and mango. If you really love this, buy your self a juicer, because at three dollars a bottle you'll go broke. A small down side is that after you drink this, in my opinion you need a drink of water, after all it's water that really quenches our thirst. Anything else that has sweeteners only add to the thirst.
     People who love what they drink will say, no it doesn't, because they want to justify paying 3.00 a pop. Speaking of pop/soda, that too only adds to your thirst. So if you can afford 3.00 any time you want to buy a bottle of the rich man's drink, go for it. To be fair and honest, if I want to treat myself once in a while, I'll buy it too. It's that good. By the way, carry water with you, just in case.

Biden's Seconds of FEAR

       It does matter whose side you're on concerning gun control, especially if you re sitting in congress voting a yea or a nay. As I watched a little bit of news showing at least four democrats against the bill, the camera went to Biden sitting in the house with that little knocker thing saying basically the bill did not pass and as he lightly banged  on the desk a woman yelled out from the balcony, SHAME ON YOU! As sh yelled that, Fear was shown is Bidens eye's and he looked toward the balcony  and sort of pulled back with his shoulders.
       The woman wasn't directing it at Biden but at all, Republican as well who would not pass this bill, but it showed me at least for moments Biden knew a fear he may not have known before, especially with the Boston and Newtown Tragedies. No one wants that fear, but to sit as a sitting duck, I wonder if Biden will take that seat again. One thing that was announced was that Biden does not usually take that seat and or position. The woman? Good for her !

Valley Products USA

 (717) 792-1010   This is Valley Products to call with questions about a product you may need. They make cloth labels, Velcro, elastic and much more. I wish I had their brochure in front of me. I'm lucky, They're located about seven miles from me and I bought made in the USA labels and Velcro. Some time ago I thought I was done with sewing so I gave everything away to people who could use what I had, but now I'm back on board and will be going up for elastic to make longing pants which you can see next week on doozybags.com
                                    My web site is in progress.
Back to Valley Products. They ship just about anywhere, but to make sure call them. If you compare going to Chinatown aka Walmart and buying a bolt,  a ream , a tube, whatever you call it of elastic or Velcro, you're ahead with Valley Products by more than a mile.
   The person who is usually up front is a lady named Betsy and she's a whirl wind of work. Happy to please customers, but upfront with what you're looking for, you know this company is filled with integrity. All American and ask for that when you buy. I don't know about all of the products and where they come from, but I do know this is a company, family owned, an American business that deserves attention. From the smallest order to the largest, each person is valued the same. DO yourself a favor and look up Valley Products in York New Salem PA. or call, 717-792-1010

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Emotional Punching Bags !

      Sure you think it won't and can't happen to you, that only other people can do it. Crapola! We live in a world of jealous people as well as a world of people who say, go for it. I believe in go for it.
   Let's take a few examples of why people are telling you, you can't do that. First why would a good friend tell you that. Because their a good friend or because they're jealous they'll be left behind. Are you the kind of friend that makes someone else look good? Well now it's your turn and your time.
     Make your self look good by first making sure your goals are well planned out. Want to go back to school? Look at grants for singles, grants for your heritage, grants for your area of education and then of course loans.
     Want to work on appearance at the same time? That's good. Get a cheap gym membership at Planet Fitness. Now it's time to do a self-schedule because this is for you and if you have children home you'll have to work that out too and it can be done. I know. Right now I am working on appearance and health but I did go back to school and finished.
       Years before that I had a family member always telling me what I couldn't do, well a few family members. Why? Because if I listened to them I would still have low self esteem, still be running errands and still be a doormat and emotional punching bag for them. I had to go as far as leaving them all behind because that's what was healthier for me. We all have some type of poison contacts. Get rid of them.
     Don't hold back, let go and let God as many say. BY that I mean if you believe in God, let Him help you to it and through it. If you don't, don't let that stop you either, just run to your dream and don't stop until...until you can say, I have arrived, I did it !

Kids Count Blog on Maggies...

Maggieshelpcenter.com   Just passing this along to check out, some good ideas, especially as summer approaches. This is alos a help site in teh way you can contact and chat back & forth with Maggie for 7. a day. She has monthly and weekly rates too. Just need someone to talk to? Ask Maggie. When you see the site, look at Maggies blog which is teh Kids Count blog. Kinda Kool.

Steve Harvey vs. Bill Collectors

      For those of you who think celebrities don't get it, you should have heard Steve Harvey today. More and more I enjoy taking an hour away from what I'm doing to enjoy his show. He has a segment where the audience can ask him questions. After one woman asked how does she get her grown children to call her ends another younger woman made the mistake of telling what she does for employment.
      She starts out, Steve I am a caller to collect bills so how do I get people to pay...and he stops her. We all knew what was coming but not to the extent that it did. The camera zooms on Steve Harvey's face as he points to her saying, you, I've been waiting to talk to one of you! Of this was funny, sad and serious. I felt bad for this young lady as she became a target, yet he was right on.
     Steve Harvey went on about his own experiences saying he was more poor at times than solvent and so he has had those calls at supper time which he pointed out, and went on to let her know how, you people call, late at night, our jobs, supper time and anytime you want to. She tried to say no, we're not all...and that's as far as she got. Her face appeared crimson.
     Again Steve Harvey said here I how I tell them I will pay my bills because you people act as if it's your money ! I tell them I put all my bills in a hat and once a month I pick out the lucky bill that I'll pay, but if it's the bill you keep calling me on, I will put it back in the hat.
     This poor girl became the target for all rude, nasty and superior acting bill collectors. Steve Harvey ended with, any more questions? Have a nice life. I loved what he said, but didn't like how this young lady became a target, yet again, if she was smart enough like we all are-sure- she simply would have asked, how do people handle bill collectors, or my friend is a bill collector and...
     Another wise old show at Steve Harvey. He's pretty good and that comes with age and experience.


      Just a few words. Please take a look at the KIDS Count Blog on that site. This is a good site, sound and clear advice and not expensive at all.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Today, I Needed a Reminder

       This morning my son and I talked about stuff way before Boston's bombs went off. Our conversation was about crime and how I am so tired of it all, not unlike many. In the background I hear his baby boy with words that pop through as only a new baby learning can say and makes the subject matter forgotten momentarily. That's happiness, a baby's voice, smile, touch and sounds, makes the world better.
    Brought back to crime and other life matters we also talked about my son's bike race recently, again interrupted by the baby's voice and of course I would loudly say I love you, or make some silly sounds in return. I love the kinds of chats my son and I had today and it was almost two hours. It seemed like we haven't talked in such a long time, but we did, so maybe it was just a time when we were without interruptions with the exception of the baby. There it was again, his mimicking my sons' words. I remember smiling and forgetting my feeling about the senseless crime in our nation and what brought it about.
   We ended with taking more about an upcoming visit, a new baby on the way, another little brother and possible a family vacation time when everyone could be together, Saying I love you to one another, we hung up.
   It was within an hour that the Boston news filled my television screen and I was brought back to the conversation with my son, yet quickly pushed it away with knowing someone one or more did this on purpose. What the hell is wrong with people ? That lump in my throat was filled as my heart went to families and children, coming in from school with parents who work. What were kids feeling and thinking?  How do they take care of their immediate fears and questions ? Who will protect them when moms and dads can't be there?
     Many hours later my son sent me something that I needed to be reminded about, especially today. He said it was something he borrowed from another persons Fb page. Mainly it was a reminder as in today's explosions, people ran back to help. Now as I write this I listen to the eleven o'clock news and an interviewer is asking a local man who returned from Bostons marathon, specifics. This young man said people ran back to see what was going on. Yes, I had to put that out there-BUT-
     I remember seeing while many did go back to look as people do, there were some who ran to help and  many who stayed in the medical tent, not knowing if another bomb was close by and many EMT's police and firemen, and doctors and nurses who ran to help, pull barricades down, tend to the injured, tend to the emotions of people and in a final breath, tend to the dead.
     As a driver with kids in the car, when accidents happen, traffic slows down and usually not because it has to, but because people slow down and look. If I have kids in car, they ask me to slow down or turn around so we can get closer. I want to get ahead faster, knowing gawking is not what's needed, but kids don't get it.
     So in the end there are more people who are good than not, and yes, probably like you who saw today's news, you were reminded of 9/11. Those pictures came back vividly for me too and I remember working that day in mental health, in a group room, how everyone leaned on each other two hundred miles away. I spoke on the phone with my daughter who was crying as I held the lump in my throat down, knowing I wanted so much to be with her, but she was another two hundred miles away in another direction, closer to where a hijacked plane went down.
    As I sat slumped in my chair a supervisor passed by asking if I was alright and yes I was, but he said he'd take my group while I talked with my daughter. People helping. I went back to my group and saw how many people with illnesses wanted to , and some couldn't help but to make that, their crisis. Yet we were still there to help and support. Just like today and in the next days ahead, people will be there to help, emotionally, financially, medically, and in any way possible. Moms and dads, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, friends will all be there for one anther too.
     Teachers will have a job of it with kids in school. People were killed today, senselessly. Kids will think about other schootings' and not feel safe.Teachers have to be ready as they usually are to be careful and sensitive to let children know that as decent adults we will always do what we need to to help and protect our children, that we will take each day, a day at a time and they those kids have friends, and adults to help them, after all,as adults, we understand ?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Try This Exercise

   On the Sunday morning show where they do a variety of mini shows, one was interviewing a HORSE SHOE(actual name) workout place . The owner/manager was asked why this, what's different/better. He showed what appeared different, but for barely seconds as if it was a big secret. One exercise caught my eye and seemed like it wasn't going to be shown as the camera swept past the guy doing what made me curious.
   So ya know the back fat on your arms which is called the horse show muscle? Well this guy was laying on a flat bench, but tilted backwards. With weights in his hands and laying tilted, not a lot but just enough, there were his hands going up and down, floor, back to in front of him. That's the best way to describe it.

  Well I did that tonight, barely made five. This exercise more than any I know pulled my abs so tight, my horse shoe muscle, my neck & shoulders. Yes ! Now I have to make  a goal to do this twice a day at five each and then ten twice a day.
   I have a three month plan and  a dress I want to wear one more time. By The way, I positioned my body on a hassock close to a chair and it helped to tuck my feet under the chair, then lay back on the hassock where my shoulders were just barely off the hassock, giving me enough leverage so I wasn't upside down, but just a little slanted. After all, I just started.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

We R Not Coming Back by Rabbi Pruzansky

Interesting Article...We Are Not Coming Back!

At the risk of offending some, I will, nonetheless send this on as it explains exactly why I voted for Romney. I truly am frightened for my country and this cleric has stated it better than I could. I really believe that we are "sunk" if Hillary follows .There would be more programs, some already entrenched, that will keep my grandchildren from knowing the wonderful country in which I was raised. I am old, but my heart cries for the young peoples future.

This is excellent, but is a sad place to be. Please Read to the end.
We Are Not Coming Back
Please take a moment to digest this provocative article by a Jewish Rabbifrom Teaneck , N.J.
It is far and away the most succinct and thoughtful explanation of how our nation is changing. The article appeared in The Israel National News, and is directed to Jewish readership. 70% of American Jews vote as Democrats. The Rabbi has some interesting comments in that regard.
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky is the spiritual leader of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey

"The most charitable way of explaining the election results of 2012 is that Americans voted for the status quo - for the incumbent President and for a divided Congress. They must enjoy gridlock, partisanship, incompetence, economic stagnation and avoidance of responsibility. And fewer people voted.

But as we awake from the nightmare, it is important to eschew the facile explanations for the Romney defeat that will prevail among the chattering classes. Romney did not lose because of the effects of Hurricane Sandy that devastated this area, nor did he lose because he ran a poor campaign, nor did he lose because the Republicans could have chosen better candidates, nor did he lose because Obama benefited from a slight uptick in the economy due to the business cycle.

Romney lost because he didn't get enough votes to win.

That might seem obvious, but not for the obvious reasons. Romney lost because the conservative virtues - the traditional American virtues – of
liberty, hard work, free enterprise, private initiative and aspirations to moral greatness - no longer inspire or animate a majority of the electorate.

The simplest reason why Romney lost was because it is impossible to compete against free stuff.

Every businessman knows this; that is why the "loss leader" or the giveaway is such a powerful marketing tool. Obama's America is one in which free stuff is given away: the adults among the 47,000,000 on food stamps clearly recognized for whom they should vote, and so they did, by the tens of millions; those who - courtesy of Obama - receive two full years of unemployment benefits (which, of course, both disincentivizes looking for work and also motivates people to work off the books while collecting their windfall) surely know for whom to vote. The lure of free stuff is irresistible.
The defining moment of the whole campaign was the revelation of the secretly-recorded video in which Romney acknowledged the difficulty of winning an election in which "47% of the people" start off against him because they pay no taxes and just receive money - "free stuff" - from the government.

Almost half of the population has no skin in the game - they don't care about high taxes, promoting business, or creating jobs, nor do they care that the money for their free stuff is being borrowed from their children
and from the Chinese.

They just want the free stuff that comes their way at someone else's expense. In the end, that 47% leaves very little margin for error for any Republican, and does not bode well for the future.

It is impossible to imagine a conservative candidate winning against such overwhelming odds. People do vote their pocketbooks. In essence, the people vote for a Congress who will not raise their taxes, and for a President who will give them free stuff, never mind who has to pay for it.

That engenders the second reason why Romney lost: the inescapable conclusion that the electorate is ignorant and uninformed. Indeed, it does not pay to be an informed voter, because most other voters - the clear majority – are unintelligent and easily swayed by emotion and raw populism. That is the indelicate way of saying that too many people vote with their hearts and not their heads. That is why Obama did not have to produce a second term agenda, or even defend his first-term record. He needed only to portray Mitt Romney as a rapacious capitalist who throws elderly women over a cliff, when he is not just snatching away their cancer medication, while starving the poor and cutting taxes for the rich.

During his 1956 presidential campaign, a woman called out to Adlai Stevenson: "Senator, you have the vote of every thinking person!" Stevenson called back: "That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!"
Truer words were never spoken.

Obama could get away with saying that "Romney wants the rich to play by a different set of rules" - without ever defining what those different rules were; with saying that the "rich should pay their fair share" - without ever defining what a "fair share" is; with saying that Romney wants the poor, elderly and sick to "fend for themselves" - without even acknowledging that all these government programs are going bankrupt, their current insolvency only papered over by deficit spending.

Similarly, Obama (or his surrogates) could hint to blacks that a Romney victory would lead them back into chains and proclaim to women that their abortions and birth control would be taken away. He could appeal to Hispanics that Romney would have them all arrested and shipped to Mexico and unabashedly state that he will not enforce the current immigration laws. He could espouse the furtherance of the incestuous relationship between governments and unions - in which politicians ply the unions with public money, in exchange for which the unions provide the politicians with votes, in exchange for which the politicians provide more money and the unions provide more votes, etc., even though the money is gone.

Obama also knows that the electorate has changed - that whites will soon be a minority in America (they're already a minority in California) and that the new immigrants to the US are primarily from the Third World and do not share the traditional American values that attracted immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is a different world, and a different America . Obama is part of that different America , knows it, and knows how to tap into it. That is why he won.

Obama also proved again that negative advertising works, invective sells, and harsh personal attacks succeed. That Romney never engaged in such diatribes points to his essential goodness as a person; his "negative ads" were simple facts, never personal abuse - facts about high unemployment,
lower take-home pay, a loss of American power and prestige abroad, a lack of leadership, etc. As a politician, though, Romney failed because he did not embrace the devil's bargain of making unsustainable promises.

It turned out that it was not possible for Romney and Ryan - people of substance, depth and ideas - to compete with the shallow populism and platitudes of their opponents. Obama mastered the politics of envy – of class warfare - never reaching out to Americans as such but to individual groups, and cobbling together a winning majority from these minority groups. If an Obama could not be defeated - with his record and his vision of America , in which free stuff seduces voters - it is hard to envision any change in the future.

The road to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and to a European-socialist economy - those very economies that are collapsing today in Europe - is paved.
For Jews, mostly assimilated anyway and staunch Democrats, the results demonstrate again that liberalism is their Torah. Almost 70% voted for a
president widely perceived by Israelis and most committed Jews as hostile to Israel . They voted to secure Obama's future at America 's expense and at Israel 's expense - in effect, preferring Obama to Netanyahu by a wide margin.

A dangerous time is ahead. Under present circumstances, it is inconceivable that the US will take any aggressive action against Iran and will more
likely thwart any Israeli initiative. The US will preach the importance of negotiations up until the production of the first Iranian nuclear weapon - and then state that the world must learn to live with this new reality.

But this election should be a wake-up call to Jews. There is no permanent empire, nor is there an enduring haven for Jews anywhere in the exile. The American empire began to decline in 2007, and the deterioration has been exacerbated in the last five years. This election only hastens that decline.
Society is permeated with sloth, greed, envy and materialistic excess. It has lost its moorings and its moral foundations.. The takers outnumber the givers, and that will only increase in years to come.

The "Occupy" riots across this country in the last two years were mere dress rehearsals for what lies ahead - years of unrest sparked by the increasing discontent of the unsuccessful who want to seize the fruits and the bounty of the successful, and do not appreciate the slow pace of redistribution.

If this election proves one thing, it is that the Old America is gone. And, sad for the world, it is not coming back."
-- The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


She's Our Man Lady

   It opened with a war scene and a kid sitting by  a Jeep singing, Let it Be, you know the Beatles song.That scene transferred to a city was torn scene to a large group going into a church to attend a funeral, a funeral of a young child who looked just like the little black kid sitting in the street by the Jeep.
      Here is where it changes dramatically. The singing will tear you in two. It's an African American church and a woman is singing Let It Be, but with that old Black Gospel type singing and it's great. Now hollering gospel which I can't stand, but soulful, so soulful, you just have to cry. Of course there are background singers too but singing softly. It then transfers over to the grave where the same singer is singing but slowly fades as now it's a funeral of a soldier, a marine.
     From there it goes to a young black man getting on a bus to New York. He's
 carrying guitar and a duffel bag. As he gets into the station he's met at the bottom by Joe Cocker singer another Beatles song, People get together, you just gotta be free, Come Together, right now, over me...oh yeah
    Joe Cocker transfers his image from an old bum, to a Pimp to another character. This movie is titled ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
    Some characters have names the same as a Beatles song,  Jude, Eleanor and more. In yet another scene one of the hippie family, a new young kid who joins the group by coming through the apartment bathroom window and is welcomed, loves the female lead, not returned. Love is love, returned or not, and that alone is heartbreaking. Personally I enjoyed most of this movie. Usually musicals are not my thing but I stayed tuned because of the crazy, fun and weird story line. Hmmmmmm......seems to work with my personality. Peace !

Bald Men

     Hey Baldies! Sorry, I really don't mean that. Yeah I know so why let it go and why not delete it? Why? Because Baldies, chrome domes are names insecure people call others, just like fatty and pimples. Those are people who without someone to knock down are so low in their own self worth, they trip on others. Imagine if you went instead face to face, serious and asked them, why did you just do that? What are you getting out of that? They'll become a bit red-face and try to laugh it off, but you know then you have the upper hand.

    Please don't get a wig. I know, who am I to say that.  Well I am no one to say that, but it isn't a wig that makes you secure and it isn't your self worth, it's you. How many wealthy men do not wear wigs? That's because money and power makes them secure even if they're good guys or horrible people.
    Now look at people who wear wigs/toupees, rugs who can only afford a bar minimum. Those wigs are so obvious, people are staring at how silly it looks. When people meet a bald guy we are looking at you, who you are and sure we may glance at the top of your head the same as someone with hair, but we also glance at your hands, how tall or short you are, your teeth and so much more. But mainly it's you who people want to know, not whats' on your head, but what's in your head.
     If you wear a wig and you're a creepy, not so nice guy, that wig only makes you look worse and we know it. If you're a good guy who wear a wig, we just feel sorry for you, so please, know who you are. We do. Use your money for something else. Wig makers bank on your insecurity.
   Ladies who are losing their hair, well that's another story. See a doctor and go from there. It happens. Take care all, and be your good old self.

Hire Kids, Help Kids, Happy Kids

      Just wanted to add an opinion about hiring kids. So many are good workers, love to help and be needed and want to earn money just as adults do. I know if money is tight you probably can't hire anyone, but if you have a little extra here are some things kids can do:
  •      Take out weekly trash
  •      Wash trashcans
  •      Clean up the yard
  •      Clean up/sweep sidewalks
  •      Wash you car
  •       Run errands
  •       Clean your fridge
  •       Clean all of the things under, under the sofa, behind the fridge etc.
  •       Walk your dog
  •       Scrub a floor
  •      Grocery assistant, ask parents to take along a child to help carry groceries which also gives them a lesson in budgeting
  •      Organizing a bookcase/craft shelves and give some to the child helping you clean out
  •       yard sales/home or Garage sales, let them help organize and "mind the store" while you take a nearby break.
Make sure to be precise with instructions and get written parent permission if you decide to allow a child in your home. With that in mind have an open door policy so mom and dad can come in and check. Kids who are active in a positive atmosphere are happier kids, so do yourself a favor, your community and hire a kid !

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wheel of Fortune VACATIONS out of USA

       What's up with getting vacation for those who win on Wheel of Fortune to stay in the United States ? why do these shows support other countries and don't they think to support the US companies?
   On tonight's show a  man won a trip to Costa Rica and as soon as he heard he said to the host, but I didn't want...can I go somewhere el...and then stopped and recovered with no, I've never been there. A commercial break came and when they returned Pat the host said, well we just want to make it clear Franklin was just kidding. SURE HE WAS PAT!
    So many of those countries have kidnapped US citizens and I worry to death to think any family member of mine or someone close would travel to many of those countries. We hear about the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, The Bahama's and countries that just don't cooperate with our government. People are kidnapped, killed, raped and sold. Why are these game shows giving away prizes like that?
    Hey Wheel of Fortune, What's wrong with America ? Who owns that show? Got someone in your pocket?

Poor Poeople, Poor Neighborhoods

    Okay I'm taking care of what should have been done a long time ago, earning money and bring people together. See how smart I am. By the way, I did post this stuff a few years ago and suggest it where ever I go, which isn't far anymore since being retired and poor myself :)

    How many times do we complain to the government, go to community meetings, complain ur taxes are too high? Well okay I can't help with the tax thing but just have patience and look at this:
    We need to befriend our neighbors more, use the talents you all do have and combine them. You, together can make business blocks. Do you have trash? Recyclables? Know someone with a truck in the hood? Pay them to haul your trash away. He then will need a mechanic, so let him pay a neighbor friend. Can you paint, houses, in and out? Get a few people, men and women together and grab it from the bigger companies. There is so much work out there, but we get an attitude of, oh who will hire me.
   Can you sew? Can a few people sew on the block? Need a sitter, ask. How many older women would love to sit, sew, bake, cook, feel useful. In addition, how many older, younger people have craft talents, that the neighborhood can rent  a booth at a local market and sell those excellent crafts?
   Just because you're poor, live in a bad neighborhood, or just a poor neighborhood, doesn't mean you are less valued than someone like Donald Trump. But it does mean you simply haven't tapped into the resources nearest you.
Need advertisements. Use your kids, They are computer savvy. Get a wagon, make wooden signs, stencils, let the kids sell them door to door, with the rules of course like never go inside, never, ever, ever !
   Make your kids more useful too. Give them more home chores as well as some early business in home training. Now go ahead, use your talents and take away some of that big fat money from the big fat greedy businesses. Oh if you need a website, go to A-SHOP shopping cart. You can create your own site for 25. a month. Happy business people:)
   PS don't look at my doozybags site yet-it isn't up

Thursday, April 11, 2013

HIV, 17yrs old from-BEWARE

     This young girl married and had a child with a guy who was in prison. He gave her HIV. Just as bad, he is cheating with other single young ladies.
     Do we not know that HIV / AIDS is still very much active in today's living and or dying? From the youngest of people who are sexually active to people who are much older, HIV is spread more than other age groups, so don't think you're safe because you're a senior or, I'm just a kid and have years to live. Not now you don't!
    This young man is throwing his sexual appetite around like a baseball and you don't want to be the catcher's mitt. Do you have any idea how many people want revenge because someone gave them HIV?
     DO NOT become a victim because others are careless, use condoms with a pin hole in them or simply tell you how much they love you so you can get what he or she has. That is a gift that keeps on giving, but deadly. Is your life worth ten minutes of proving how much you love someone, someone who is passing it around anyway? Someone who is killing people?
    AIDs and HIV is/are a perfect reason to be celibate until married. Try it. YOu just might end up disease free.

More New Bags, handmade...

If you decide to buy a bag from this blog, unless otherwise posted, each will be 6.50 plus 1.50 S&H Make payment to Doozybags at Pay Pal Here they come: One is a walker bag, folds over, closes with Velcro and has a zipper pocket, another is a lighthouse lap blanket, lightweight. Sorry, last pic is upside down, but still a nice gift, Remember Mothers day and Fathers day is fast approaching. About S&H -it is 1.50 for the first item, but if you order two, it's .50 (fifty cents) for each additional item. Thank You. Jean totes are nice for small market shopping and the planet bag is great for kids to carry toys or sports stuff and even a weekend with the Grandparents. I also have adult bibs, two left of long bibs and two short. Short bibs are a ladybug pattern/print and 2.75 ea.-the long bibs are 4.50 each with a small burgundy and a navy polka dot print. Both have a catcher pocket at the bottom.


Brooklyn, Calling all Brooklynites !

    Hey Brooklynites, help me. I want to come to Brooklyn and stay about three weeks, possibly in June, but when I look for rentals etc, rarely do I see any places in Bay Ridge. They're all downtown, or Park Slope and while most appear to be nice places, I want to stay in Bay Ridge, and I don't and can't spend 2000.00!
     So I may never be able to come back as I want to, but maybe you don't know about this. If you need and want to earn extra money join VRBO=Vacation Rentals By Owners.
    I don't have any connection to that site at all but it sure is a great way to earn extra money. I don't have any idea how it works but if you go to that site, I'm sure you'll find out easy enough. Brooklyn I miss ya. One day I'll find that reasonable and not greedy place to come to, take my bike, walk, go to the libraries and just walk a lot, go out for a bagel, fresh fruit & vegetables from the corner stands, stop in at a local butcher. Sure I have all of that food stuff here too, but the cultures, the pizza, a stop at Nathans, or Katz's deli. So come on Brooklyn, get in it too.
   I grew up in Brooklyn, Bay Ridge but over the years have moved from coast to coast and now in PA. When I can afford it, I come up and stay at the Gregory hotel for two nights, but it's never enough. Come On Brooklyn, imagine what you can earn ?
   Oh this bag is one of many I make. It's10x12, a wrist bag with a zipper closure and lined for 8.00 plus S&H of 1.50 Send to pay pal , to doozybags.

Dust mites and Ketchup

  Okay so how do they go together? They don't, but after I saw and heard what I did this morning, I knew I had to get your attention. Now you ask what does the bag have to do with it, nothing. I make and sell them and if you want to buy this one, send 12.00 plus 1.50 s&h to Doozybags at pay pal.
Now Ketchup will clean your copper pots and it's amazing, so then if it does that, what does it do to the lining of your stomach?
Here's the worst one of all. Dust mites as most of us know are in all of our furniture, but love our bedding and pillows. Pillows according to this TV show show be thrown out every two years. I replace mine at least once a year. Dust mites add the weight of more mites and their eggs to your pillows ! OMG !
I never knew why a pillow seems heavier but do remember as a very poor kid we had skinny and heavy pillows.
Change your pillows more often and by the way, pillow covers keep the outside of a pillow clean, but do not protect from dust mites. Sleep well by buying a new pillow.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rod Stewart !

       Yea! Rod Stewart is coming out with a new album and I am getting it. He is also putting out a music video or maybe it's a combo thing. I was so happy to hear and see the advertisement with Rod's pic I could have screwed it all up. But who cares. It's an album with most of his oldies and best songs, so yes it's mine !
I still relive a concert I went to with my daughter. What a performer !

My Favorite Salad Mix

     Right now I have water on to make rotini pasta and I use whole wheat. I boiled six eggs last night. If I have chicken breasts I bake and cut that up too, but if not, not a big deal. So I add the eggs when pasta is cooled a little, garbanzo beans, cut string beans, cut up a couple of apples, raisins, almond slivers and for a final touch I mix it with low calorie Italian dressing. You can also sprinkle parm cheese and bread crumbs, not a lot, just a sprinkle. It's a meal !

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Special Ed. Teachers

       How easily we forget, unless that is we have a child in a Special Ed. Class. We forget that our taxes don't pay enough for these special teachers. Sure our taxes are high and in some areas too high, but it all comes out in the wash. I am thankful to live in America and don't care what other countries have to offer as none compares to my country.

      Soon, school will be out and even more so we'll forget about the patience, the quality, the stress, the love and kindness and education behind these special teachers. So how about showing them, and I know many people don't have money to buy a gift. But think about this; Do you have a special talent you can share with a class to take some stress off a teacher for an hour. What about materials such balls, paper, glue, small scissors and cloth materials. Go in for a morning of teaching as an "expert" in your hobby.
     Here's another suggestion. Is someone in your family a chef, an auto mechanic, a carpenter, an electrician, a plumber or some other skilled profession. Ask them to offer a car check-up, or some kind of repair which takes the place of money, but if you are able to, buy a gift certificate to a nice restaurant. First find out if that teacher had kids, so make it a family time. You don't know if they can get a sitter, so what about a nice night or Saturday afternoon at a local family eatery? What about it? Show your special Ed. Teacher he or she is special too.

Friday, April 5, 2013

She Travels... God Man ? Part One

       On the mountains she traveled. She walked having only two pairs of boots to wear. With no particular journey in mind except one, to find an answer. In her mind the only way to get an answer was to be closer to God. She felt she could only be closer if she was higher, so she traveled.
      She, we will call Aubrey was only fifteen years old. Aubrey ran away from her parents who she felt never protected the children, but hired them out to neighbors and friends. She came from a village in Torkaman. While a very small village, poor and quiet, there were some families who, related to the rich were able to hire Aubrey. Mainly she was also allowed to work across the border where she was severely beaten and so much more abuse came to her.
      Aubrey had one close friend,a boy name Mana. She told him in the homes across the border she saw television and what that was like. She told him she saw people praying and Mana would shush her, reminding her it was sin to witness and tell others of another God from other countries. Yet Aubrey said, "Mana,  I tell you God is true and I have to find him and ask him why he lets this happen to us. look at our people. We are hungry, cold, sick, and yet happy, but I am not happy Mana I am sick with not being happy. We are to accept our punishments as we deserve it, but Mana we don't deserve it. On this television it tells me our families are to love us and protect us."
     Mana tells Aubrey, " Aubrey they will kill you or they will never let you outside again until you are an old woman if they know you see and talk about this God. Aubrey did you tell anyone about your punishments and what some men did to you?" She answered, yes, Mana I did. I tell one woman who tells me she believes in this other God and she will run away with me to protect me, that I am to tell her when I will leave." Mana says, Do not tell her Aubrey. I know of that woman. She turns us children in and we are never heard from again. Others know only that we know we are in the home and never let out, but some of us are killed." Aubrey believes him.
     They tell each other good-night and the next day Aubrey is to work for that woman again across the border. The woman asks Aubrey, when will she leave as soon as Aubrey starts to clean. Aubrey is now suspicious but decides to tell her, in two weeks she will leave. On her way home Aubrey is thinking about how she will bundle her clothes for cold climbing and footwear. She waits and watches.
     It is the second day when she sees Mana and asks him if he has boots and anything like food for her to take. Mana tells her he will get her boots from his uncle who repairs shoes and boots for the villagers and he will get food from scraps that he can find. It takes two more days and Mana meets with Aubrey. Mana loves Aubrey, and tells her if she does not leave he will marry her. She tell him she loves him too, but she loves this new man God too, so she must find him first and get answers.
   On the fifth day she returns to the lady across the border and again the woman asks, when will you leave and can I go with you. Aubrey asks her what if we are caught and what will you tell them. The woman says we will not be caught because we will be killed and then tells Aubrey so it is in nine days you will leave? I will wait here and when you come to clean, we will walk like we are just walking. Now Aubrey tells her, but we will have to have supplies and won't the patrols ask to see our packs. The woman says, I will tell them we have food for strangers and we are helping others who walk to give them strength. Aubrey knew she was lying. Aubrey was also told by Mana that this woman gets paid to turn in traitors.
     It is now the sixth day and Aubrey met with Mana. He asked again when are you leaving and please don't go I want to marry you soon. Aubrey told him, but we are young and I am leaving tonight at midnight when everyone is asleep. I will travel from the back of my home to the next mountain I can see.
   Mana had tears in his eyes. He told her, my heart will follow you and one day I will be close and we will marry. I love you Aubrey. They kissed on each others cheeks and said goodnight and goodbye.
    It was now midnight and Aubrey quietly stole out of her house. As she neared the mountain she thought she saw a shadow and would now be caught, but she went forward to face who it was. It was Mana. They hugged and she asked if he was going. He said no, he couldn't as there was only enough food and clothes extra for one, but to tell her again he loved her and would see her again one day.
As she was about to turn and leave, he said, "wait Aubrey, I have a gift for you". He handed her a black book and she asked what is this book? Mana said, "it is called a Bible, and talks about that God man you have heard of, so now in your travels you can read about this man". He handed her another pack with boots and food and gloves and a small shovel to dig with for shelter. Mana was a very good friend. They turned quickly from one another, he to go home and she on her travels to find this man called God.

       Mana arrived at his home and a light was on. He was afraid. No one should be awake. Mana lived with seven family members and it was an uncle who was awake. The uncle ask where he went to in the middle of the night. Mana lied of course and told the uncle he thought he heard  someone trying to get in the window so he went outside to find and kill them to protect his mother. The uncle patted his head and told him he was a good son. They went back to sleep. Mana cried quietly for his Aubrey.
      Early the next morning the village was wakened by the village bell which meant an emergency. Villagers gathered at the bell to hear the news, Aubrey was gone and that she slept in her bed, so someone must have stolen her. Mana smiled inside himself feeling that was good they thought what they did. The villagers thought surely, someone across the border must have taken and sold her, and were told to go home and pray for Aubrey's family.
   Late that afternoon an uncle came to see Mana's father. Mana was outside the door but knew what they were yelling about. The uncle was accusing Mana's father for stealing a pair of boots as Mana's father had small feet. Mana was smiling. He didn't like his father very  much. Mana was hopeful things would stay this way. The uncle went on yelling in a high voice which brought officials. He told them, my nephew stole a pair of my boots. A search was made and boots were not found. They made the uncle stop his charges. Mana felt very good, thinking all this would soon go away.
    But it didn't. It was late afternoon when an official came to Mana's home with this woman. She said Aubrey did not come to work and let them know Aubrey would run away, that she talked one time of a boy named Mana, so Mana must know. Mana was taken from his home and kept away for four days and nights. when he returned he was thinner with dark circles under his eyes. He had strap marks across his body. The official told his father he had a son who is either stubborn, strong or stupid and they will watch him closely to see if he goes where Aubrey went.
   Mana went to his bend and his mother came with a wash cloth. She whispered to him, "Mana I know you know. I heard you and Aubrey. I am proud of you." He smiled and slept.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

One Judge ? Not Good Enough.

      As I listened to her tell her story over an over again, Robin Carboneau used an expression we hear so often when asked about justice. She said the justice system was disappointing to say the least and then she pointed upwards saying but there is justice in the end.
    While that's all very nice and believable we are also told anyone can be saved then forgiven in the end, so why not make sure justice is served in the here and now. That was where this lady impressed me. Her name, her native American name is Kindhearted Woman.
     Thoughout her whole documentary she sighed, as if with every sigh she relived her agonizing childhood. In her court battle even her father took side with the tribal nation to call her a liar, her daughter a liar who was molested by Robin's husband and the child's father, same person. Robins father lost custody of her due to alcohol, so he sides with people of the same natures.
     Robin walks from court with her child and her foster child from six years ago, also molested by Robins ex husband, and finally that person was found guilty, but, the burn here was he only received about three years in jail. The tribal nation turned all allegations on the flip side, saying Robin did all of this, everything was false, she lied about her whole life.
      What courage she had ! But this is what families also do. A black sheep is made because the family does not want their dirty secret out. But Robin persevered, and the toll it took on her and her children is worth at least twenty more years in jail for her ex-husband. It may console many people to hear her say as many others do too, that He will judge, but what about now? What about these "people" getting off so free? What about that?

Monday, April 1, 2013

WOW ! Kindhearted Woman on PBS

       I tried to change stations as certain topics entered into the story, yet found I couldn't. Quickly my fingers went to some other channel, but just as fast I returned to Chanel 33 here in Pennsylvania.
       The native American reservation tribes usually get custody over children in divorce no matter the reasons why a parent should not have custody and worse than that, well as bad, is a caseworker who connives for the tribal parent, wanting to hide the secrecy of molestation, rape and alcoholism.
        Many cultures hide the horrors that are committed with families so they're not perceived as the whole of that culture, taking part in the offenses, yet in covering it all up, that's exactly what they do.  They take part.
      Kindhearted Woman is captivating and brings you into a feeling of, what's going to happen. tonight it was told how it's going to end, a mistake in my opinion as many won't watch it. I will.
      A a child I was taught all cultures have some insanity or dirt about them, yet that came from a person who was committing the worst kind of child offenses. So I related very much to this documentary. The secrets, the hiding, pretending not to know by the female parent, and then the blame on the child if ever believed. All excuses, a lump remains. Spirit Lake cries.

Gay Boyscouts of AMERICA

       There are so many things wrong about not accepting a kid because he is gay but I'll start with this. Are the Boy Scouts of AMERICA asking upfront ,is the boy gay and then do they have the right to do that?
    In America people especially kids have a right to be just like anyone else and as far as who they are by gender identity, for God Sake people, they are kids, and I do mean God's sake as in who are you to judge?  So parents and BSA, you're worried if a child who is gay will turn your boy? If a kid is going to act on his feelings concerning a crush, well they are kids and they can act on that anywhere when they find a secret place.
   They have a right to learn, grow, explore and do all the things many other kids do by joining the scouts.
    There are other things to worry about in the scouts, male pedophiles, the leaders ! Other things are bullying and favoritism. I've seen that first hand. If the kids and parents are all close and friends, new kids do get left out and they won't be chosen for many firsts or to win a contest when they very well should.
   DO you think children who are not gay are not sexually curious in a traditional setting? SEX is so exposed that children are tempted in classrooms, libraries, school bathrooms, churches, overnights with friends. Families molest children.
   Kids are also killing each other and you are worried about a child who is gay?

Milk Sweetners added !!!

                                   What are your kids drinking?? 

We all know stores sell, chocolate milk and strawberry milk but I for one never knew that artificial sweeteners are added to all kinds of milk. All flavors are following this pattern of adding artificial sweeteners and colors !
    These things cause problems-Cancer for one is a warning on most sweeteners about cancer and now the milk industry wants to disrupt the balance.  Cows eat who knows what and now the farmers or the Milk industry itself is adding more Crapola !
           Here is a link to let yourself be known concerning how you feel about all of the crapola!
                                Regulation.gov. Tell them how you feel  :)