Tuesday, April 30, 2013

YEA! Chris Broussard ESPN

       Put your hate away. I am not attacking people who are gay. What I am attacking is the people who are so quick to hate others who have opinions using their rights of FREE SPEECH !
   Look at all of the groups of people who have free speech rights without threats of getting fired and beat up and spit upon. If J.D.HAkes said the same thing about this basketball player would the reaction be the same? I doubt it. Please don't take out of context what Chris Broussard said. He is talking about sin in general.
     He is talking about sin and how much of a braggart people we have become as if all of the things we do wrong are okay and accepted. People brag about cheating on their spouses, having an illegal gun, sneaking into the country, selling drugs, posting sex crimes on face book, killing children. I too wonder why is this all okay? Yes I know it isn't, so where do people get the idea it's okay to shout your wrongdoings to others?
    We need to turn the clock back to a period in time when SHAME meant something. That's an odd word isn't it. How many men sexually abused their kids with wives knowing all along, yet who was the person who was ashamed, the victim. When it comes to sexual crimes, even today, it is the victim who is made to feel the shame. So within that is it a male vs. female double standard thing? Yes, without a doubt. It's also power, adult verses child and victim.
    Now we come back to the times we live in today. We don't bother with our neighbors, too busy. We won't help unless it involves money (not true of everyone I know) Social media has become our best friend, and so it's very easy to attack from our computers, twitter, face book and iphones. That's called social cowardism. Free Speech is meant for everyone, not just the side you take, and the person you agree with. Have a nice face book day.

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