Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hire Kids, Help Kids, Happy Kids

      Just wanted to add an opinion about hiring kids. So many are good workers, love to help and be needed and want to earn money just as adults do. I know if money is tight you probably can't hire anyone, but if you have a little extra here are some things kids can do:
  •      Take out weekly trash
  •      Wash trashcans
  •      Clean up the yard
  •      Clean up/sweep sidewalks
  •      Wash you car
  •       Run errands
  •       Clean your fridge
  •       Clean all of the things under, under the sofa, behind the fridge etc.
  •       Walk your dog
  •       Scrub a floor
  •      Grocery assistant, ask parents to take along a child to help carry groceries which also gives them a lesson in budgeting
  •      Organizing a bookcase/craft shelves and give some to the child helping you clean out
  •       yard sales/home or Garage sales, let them help organize and "mind the store" while you take a nearby break.
Make sure to be precise with instructions and get written parent permission if you decide to allow a child in your home. With that in mind have an open door policy so mom and dad can come in and check. Kids who are active in a positive atmosphere are happier kids, so do yourself a favor, your community and hire a kid !

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