Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Emotional Punching Bags !

      Sure you think it won't and can't happen to you, that only other people can do it. Crapola! We live in a world of jealous people as well as a world of people who say, go for it. I believe in go for it.
   Let's take a few examples of why people are telling you, you can't do that. First why would a good friend tell you that. Because their a good friend or because they're jealous they'll be left behind. Are you the kind of friend that makes someone else look good? Well now it's your turn and your time.
     Make your self look good by first making sure your goals are well planned out. Want to go back to school? Look at grants for singles, grants for your heritage, grants for your area of education and then of course loans.
     Want to work on appearance at the same time? That's good. Get a cheap gym membership at Planet Fitness. Now it's time to do a self-schedule because this is for you and if you have children home you'll have to work that out too and it can be done. I know. Right now I am working on appearance and health but I did go back to school and finished.
       Years before that I had a family member always telling me what I couldn't do, well a few family members. Why? Because if I listened to them I would still have low self esteem, still be running errands and still be a doormat and emotional punching bag for them. I had to go as far as leaving them all behind because that's what was healthier for me. We all have some type of poison contacts. Get rid of them.
     Don't hold back, let go and let God as many say. BY that I mean if you believe in God, let Him help you to it and through it. If you don't, don't let that stop you either, just run to your dream and don't stop until...until you can say, I have arrived, I did it !

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