Saturday, April 13, 2013

She's Our Man Lady

   It opened with a war scene and a kid sitting by  a Jeep singing, Let it Be, you know the Beatles song.That scene transferred to a city was torn scene to a large group going into a church to attend a funeral, a funeral of a young child who looked just like the little black kid sitting in the street by the Jeep.
      Here is where it changes dramatically. The singing will tear you in two. It's an African American church and a woman is singing Let It Be, but with that old Black Gospel type singing and it's great. Now hollering gospel which I can't stand, but soulful, so soulful, you just have to cry. Of course there are background singers too but singing softly. It then transfers over to the grave where the same singer is singing but slowly fades as now it's a funeral of a soldier, a marine.
     From there it goes to a young black man getting on a bus to New York. He's
 carrying guitar and a duffel bag. As he gets into the station he's met at the bottom by Joe Cocker singer another Beatles song, People get together, you just gotta be free, Come Together, right now, over me...oh yeah
    Joe Cocker transfers his image from an old bum, to a Pimp to another character. This movie is titled ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
    Some characters have names the same as a Beatles song,  Jude, Eleanor and more. In yet another scene one of the hippie family, a new young kid who joins the group by coming through the apartment bathroom window and is welcomed, loves the female lead, not returned. Love is love, returned or not, and that alone is heartbreaking. Personally I enjoyed most of this movie. Usually musicals are not my thing but I stayed tuned because of the crazy, fun and weird story line. Hmmmmmm......seems to work with my personality. Peace !

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