Monday, April 1, 2013

WOW ! Kindhearted Woman on PBS

       I tried to change stations as certain topics entered into the story, yet found I couldn't. Quickly my fingers went to some other channel, but just as fast I returned to Chanel 33 here in Pennsylvania.
       The native American reservation tribes usually get custody over children in divorce no matter the reasons why a parent should not have custody and worse than that, well as bad, is a caseworker who connives for the tribal parent, wanting to hide the secrecy of molestation, rape and alcoholism.
        Many cultures hide the horrors that are committed with families so they're not perceived as the whole of that culture, taking part in the offenses, yet in covering it all up, that's exactly what they do.  They take part.
      Kindhearted Woman is captivating and brings you into a feeling of, what's going to happen. tonight it was told how it's going to end, a mistake in my opinion as many won't watch it. I will.
      A a child I was taught all cultures have some insanity or dirt about them, yet that came from a person who was committing the worst kind of child offenses. So I related very much to this documentary. The secrets, the hiding, pretending not to know by the female parent, and then the blame on the child if ever believed. All excuses, a lump remains. Spirit Lake cries.

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