Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brooklyn's Salty Dog & a Candyman

       In case you never heard of a salty dog, I'm about to tell you the best kind.
Located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn on third avenue between seventy-fifth and seventy-sixth street, it's a restaurant, and a bar, and both suit me very well.
       This past Saturday was very important for me as I finally got back there with a childhood friend of mine. We missed too many times at The Salty Dog and made up fr them Saturday. The Salty Dog is a Firehouse, converted into a bar/Restaurant where generations of families and friends meet for a fantastic time of food and drink and meeting up with acquaintances, and the best of the best. For me that means, Larry and Kelly and I am sorry I forgot the guy who deserves a lot of thanks, their busboy/young man. I watched him so busy Saturday keeping his eye on a path of traffic so as not to bump into anyone or on anyone.
     As this good looking and pleasant personality guy zoomed in and out, tables were cleared to keep busy servers, busy and a kitchen cooking. These three, Larry, Kelly and the busy bus boy make things work. For reasons not important here I am able to go up, only about once a year, and boy is it memorable.
    This particular evening my friend and I who recently lost her husband and son two days apart, two months ago, very much needed this time out. The people who were taking care of us gave us attention which only meets the highest of standards when it comes to personal attention. For myself who rarely has a drink I usually order two, and a great burger and fries. However my usual drink wasn't available and while I waited, I see a man pass us who is an old neighborhood friend of my friends'. His nickname is, The candy Man. I think he caught my eye first as my friends' back was toward him, so he gave a quick turn about and stopped to offer condolences. She was not only happy to see a familiar face, but comforted in his words.
     As he needed to leave to make deliveries, the bartender came to me with Larry. Wow was he personable and I meant to get his name, but didn't. Sorry guy:)
Either way he suggested a certain drink as did Larry ensuring it was a tasty drink. So yes, I went with the guys and it was great, called The Nutty Irishman, I could have had four, but knew better or I might just hop, yup hop on the bar and dance.
    Kelly returned a few times, Larry stopped passing but not hovering to make sure we had what we wanted. Kelly had a nice chat with us as the restaurant was slowing down. The Candy Man stopped again to talk more to my friend and invite us both over to his home another time and I watched as my friend had a whole and complete, feel good experience. She didn't want to leave suggesting I have another drink, but if I did, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions:)
     For the bartender, I am sorry I didn't say so long and thanks again for your kind words. Your personality was so welcoming my friend noticed too and let me know what a great and freeing night this is turning out to be.
    For anyone who might read this weather you live close to the Salty Dog or are going to Brooklyn, please do your self a favor. Start with dinner and take some time to check the menu. Listen to the servers. They do know their food as well as beverages very well. It's a blast. It may be a ,little noisy at times, but so what. You're out for a good time right. Take plenty of money, have a few drinks and show your appreciation at the end of an awesome evening. By the way, they also have  a DJ. Music was just starting as we were leaving.
    On my next trip, I want to plan to adjust my time so I alternate lunch and dinners at The Salty Dog. My Friend wants to go to the local hotel  as I usually stay there. It's all about new experiences, some things she has put off way too long. So just imagine, a hotel stay, waking up when yo want and then meals and music at The Salty Dog. One last note, while I love Larry, Kelly, The bus guy, and now adding the bartender, I have been there enough to have different servers, and I've been there with teen boys(foster care) and family and never a negative comment. Bringing the kids in from another state I Let them know about my favorite place to dine. these kids always ask to go back.
      Larry, Kelly and the whole Salty Dog team, I am sincerely thankful to all of you for making me feel like one of the neighborhood regulars. That's what it's all about.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Nancy. It's always a pleasure to see you! Looking forward to the next visit. :)
