Monday, April 1, 2013

Gay Boyscouts of AMERICA

       There are so many things wrong about not accepting a kid because he is gay but I'll start with this. Are the Boy Scouts of AMERICA asking upfront ,is the boy gay and then do they have the right to do that?
    In America people especially kids have a right to be just like anyone else and as far as who they are by gender identity, for God Sake people, they are kids, and I do mean God's sake as in who are you to judge?  So parents and BSA, you're worried if a child who is gay will turn your boy? If a kid is going to act on his feelings concerning a crush, well they are kids and they can act on that anywhere when they find a secret place.
   They have a right to learn, grow, explore and do all the things many other kids do by joining the scouts.
    There are other things to worry about in the scouts, male pedophiles, the leaders ! Other things are bullying and favoritism. I've seen that first hand. If the kids and parents are all close and friends, new kids do get left out and they won't be chosen for many firsts or to win a contest when they very well should.
   DO you think children who are not gay are not sexually curious in a traditional setting? SEX is so exposed that children are tempted in classrooms, libraries, school bathrooms, churches, overnights with friends. Families molest children.
   Kids are also killing each other and you are worried about a child who is gay?

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