Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Valley Products USA

 (717) 792-1010   This is Valley Products to call with questions about a product you may need. They make cloth labels, Velcro, elastic and much more. I wish I had their brochure in front of me. I'm lucky, They're located about seven miles from me and I bought made in the USA labels and Velcro. Some time ago I thought I was done with sewing so I gave everything away to people who could use what I had, but now I'm back on board and will be going up for elastic to make longing pants which you can see next week on
                                    My web site is in progress.
Back to Valley Products. They ship just about anywhere, but to make sure call them. If you compare going to Chinatown aka Walmart and buying a bolt,  a ream , a tube, whatever you call it of elastic or Velcro, you're ahead with Valley Products by more than a mile.
   The person who is usually up front is a lady named Betsy and she's a whirl wind of work. Happy to please customers, but upfront with what you're looking for, you know this company is filled with integrity. All American and ask for that when you buy. I don't know about all of the products and where they come from, but I do know this is a company, family owned, an American business that deserves attention. From the smallest order to the largest, each person is valued the same. DO yourself a favor and look up Valley Products in York New Salem PA. or call, 717-792-1010

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