Thursday, April 18, 2013

Coffee & Heart Test, For Your Health

       Are you a big coffee drinker? I am or was. I think the past few years it's stared to bother me so I educated myself by sharing things with my doctor. He explained how caffeine destroys white brain matter which affects senility. WOW! That was enough to make me cut back.
        But even after I was having chest pains, but unusual chest pains, like a three inch and very narrow pain on the upper left side. So I went cold turkey and quit coffee. Still for a few days I had those same pains and no I didn't go to the doctor because I just finished with so many tests and everything came back fine. I couldn't believe it because of my weight and age.
         Well after I got past a few headaches from coffee withdrawal, I went about my usual daily business and suddenly noticed about ten days later, no more chest pains. The past few days I started to grab a cup of coffee again at a local convenience store. One of these equal two cups and I was buying two and sometimes three. Yup, back again. Now today I took heavy wash to dry, having a broken dryer, but feeling good and wanting to clean my car so off I went for the afternoon and did things I haven't usually been doing lately. Cleaning the car, I vigorously used that long hose vac cleaner, front  and back seats, in the trunk and ah, all done. On the way home I stopped and bout one of the bigger coffees and yes when I go home, about a half an hour later, it started again, those same familiar pains. It does feel muscular, but I will not be back on coffee again. It's just too uncertain.
      Coffee takes years to catch up to you. It's just like kids who drink mountain dew and all of those colas. Either way, I will be watching myself as life is too short and I just stared a gym schedule again, anxious to get on a treadmill and lift weights. Before we go to a doctor wee worry about bills, appearing like some kind of a nut etc. but screw that! It will all work out. Go see your doctor and if you're not satisfied, get another opinion. Good luck saying good-bye to coffee. But it's worth it.

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