Tuesday, April 2, 2013

One Judge ? Not Good Enough.

      As I listened to her tell her story over an over again, Robin Carboneau used an expression we hear so often when asked about justice. She said the justice system was disappointing to say the least and then she pointed upwards saying but there is justice in the end.
    While that's all very nice and believable we are also told anyone can be saved then forgiven in the end, so why not make sure justice is served in the here and now. That was where this lady impressed me. Her name, her native American name is Kindhearted Woman.
     Thoughout her whole documentary she sighed, as if with every sigh she relived her agonizing childhood. In her court battle even her father took side with the tribal nation to call her a liar, her daughter a liar who was molested by Robin's husband and the child's father, same person. Robins father lost custody of her due to alcohol, so he sides with people of the same natures.
     Robin walks from court with her child and her foster child from six years ago, also molested by Robins ex husband, and finally that person was found guilty, but, the burn here was he only received about three years in jail. The tribal nation turned all allegations on the flip side, saying Robin did all of this, everything was false, she lied about her whole life.
      What courage she had ! But this is what families also do. A black sheep is made because the family does not want their dirty secret out. But Robin persevered, and the toll it took on her and her children is worth at least twenty more years in jail for her ex-husband. It may console many people to hear her say as many others do too, that He will judge, but what about now? What about these "people" getting off so free? What about that?

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