Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Biden's Seconds of FEAR

       It does matter whose side you're on concerning gun control, especially if you re sitting in congress voting a yea or a nay. As I watched a little bit of news showing at least four democrats against the bill, the camera went to Biden sitting in the house with that little knocker thing saying basically the bill did not pass and as he lightly banged  on the desk a woman yelled out from the balcony, SHAME ON YOU! As sh yelled that, Fear was shown is Bidens eye's and he looked toward the balcony  and sort of pulled back with his shoulders.
       The woman wasn't directing it at Biden but at all, Republican as well who would not pass this bill, but it showed me at least for moments Biden knew a fear he may not have known before, especially with the Boston and Newtown Tragedies. No one wants that fear, but to sit as a sitting duck, I wonder if Biden will take that seat again. One thing that was announced was that Biden does not usually take that seat and or position. The woman? Good for her !

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