Friday, April 12, 2013

Poor Poeople, Poor Neighborhoods

    Okay I'm taking care of what should have been done a long time ago, earning money and bring people together. See how smart I am. By the way, I did post this stuff a few years ago and suggest it where ever I go, which isn't far anymore since being retired and poor myself :)

    How many times do we complain to the government, go to community meetings, complain ur taxes are too high? Well okay I can't help with the tax thing but just have patience and look at this:
    We need to befriend our neighbors more, use the talents you all do have and combine them. You, together can make business blocks. Do you have trash? Recyclables? Know someone with a truck in the hood? Pay them to haul your trash away. He then will need a mechanic, so let him pay a neighbor friend. Can you paint, houses, in and out? Get a few people, men and women together and grab it from the bigger companies. There is so much work out there, but we get an attitude of, oh who will hire me.
   Can you sew? Can a few people sew on the block? Need a sitter, ask. How many older women would love to sit, sew, bake, cook, feel useful. In addition, how many older, younger people have craft talents, that the neighborhood can rent  a booth at a local market and sell those excellent crafts?
   Just because you're poor, live in a bad neighborhood, or just a poor neighborhood, doesn't mean you are less valued than someone like Donald Trump. But it does mean you simply haven't tapped into the resources nearest you.
Need advertisements. Use your kids, They are computer savvy. Get a wagon, make wooden signs, stencils, let the kids sell them door to door, with the rules of course like never go inside, never, ever, ever !
   Make your kids more useful too. Give them more home chores as well as some early business in home training. Now go ahead, use your talents and take away some of that big fat money from the big fat greedy businesses. Oh if you need a website, go to A-SHOP shopping cart. You can create your own site for 25. a month. Happy business people:)
   PS don't look at my doozybags site yet-it isn't up

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