Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today, I Went NAKED !!!!

     Yes and in public too. YOU may have heard of it and if you try you too may feel what I did. Naked comes in a bottle and is a health drink. I was first introduced to it by my son and at first I wasn't too sure I liked it, so on his next visit I tried it again, and decided, yup, I like it.
     So today I went in and bought a bottle. Don't let the green color turn you away. It looks like grass and spinach together, but has kiwi in it as well as pineapple, apples, banana, and mango. If you really love this, buy your self a juicer, because at three dollars a bottle you'll go broke. A small down side is that after you drink this, in my opinion you need a drink of water, after all it's water that really quenches our thirst. Anything else that has sweeteners only add to the thirst.
     People who love what they drink will say, no it doesn't, because they want to justify paying 3.00 a pop. Speaking of pop/soda, that too only adds to your thirst. So if you can afford 3.00 any time you want to buy a bottle of the rich man's drink, go for it. To be fair and honest, if I want to treat myself once in a while, I'll buy it too. It's that good. By the way, carry water with you, just in case.

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