Friday, April 19, 2013

Sepsis Kills,a Cut to Death

     In a way I'm lucky to watch all the shows I do, getting information and passing it on to others, but so sad.
     A young boy started out with a cut and later on that day he had a fever, off to the hospital which released him knowing he was in danger according to the tests they did and didn't inform mom and dad.
     Within twenty-four hours his legs ,fingers and body started to run black and yes back at the hospital where the parents again weren't informed as to how bad he was, except with one doctor finally coming out and saying their son was gravely ill. Five minutes later, another doctor comes out to say, he's gone.
    This was on Dr. Oz. He showed how a cut goes from one point to another, that suddenly it looks like a shiny hole surrounded by that shine crusty look and the infection is below the surface which can be seen.
    Many years ago my son had a staff infection. He hit his arm while skateboarding just outside the house. I was close by and almost home and so when I walked in there he was, laying on the floor, with a face so red and arm so hot, I knew I was picking him up somehow, in the car and to the hospital. He was a big twelve year old, but I did get him in the car and rushed to the Er. There I was told how easily a fever can get out of hand and how people die from staff infections.
    Parents don't anyone ever tell you what your instinct tells you about your children. Hospitals are overworked at times, but that's not a reason or excuse to hush you up and tell you to take them home, it's just a fever. That's what the parents of the young boy was told. They trusted the doctors and took him home where everything just escalated, until a return to the hospital to die. It's called Sepsis, remember that word.

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