Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Steve Harvey vs. Bill Collectors

      For those of you who think celebrities don't get it, you should have heard Steve Harvey today. More and more I enjoy taking an hour away from what I'm doing to enjoy his show. He has a segment where the audience can ask him questions. After one woman asked how does she get her grown children to call her ends another younger woman made the mistake of telling what she does for employment.
      She starts out, Steve I am a caller to collect bills so how do I get people to pay...and he stops her. We all knew what was coming but not to the extent that it did. The camera zooms on Steve Harvey's face as he points to her saying, you, I've been waiting to talk to one of you! Of this was funny, sad and serious. I felt bad for this young lady as she became a target, yet he was right on.
     Steve Harvey went on about his own experiences saying he was more poor at times than solvent and so he has had those calls at supper time which he pointed out, and went on to let her know how, you people call, late at night, our jobs, supper time and anytime you want to. She tried to say no, we're not all...and that's as far as she got. Her face appeared crimson.
     Again Steve Harvey said here I how I tell them I will pay my bills because you people act as if it's your money ! I tell them I put all my bills in a hat and once a month I pick out the lucky bill that I'll pay, but if it's the bill you keep calling me on, I will put it back in the hat.
     This poor girl became the target for all rude, nasty and superior acting bill collectors. Steve Harvey ended with, any more questions? Have a nice life. I loved what he said, but didn't like how this young lady became a target, yet again, if she was smart enough like we all are-sure- she simply would have asked, how do people handle bill collectors, or my friend is a bill collector and...
     Another wise old show at Steve Harvey. He's pretty good and that comes with age and experience.

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