Friday, April 19, 2013

Bombers' Parents & Families

      Tonight I saw a very angry father hearing his twenty-six year old son was killed by the police and his wife on the side saying they have no proof. Yes, they do have proof, but I understand why they're angry, simply because they can't believe they're boys would so such a thing.With all of the news, there is nothing but proof, but imagine being the parents of these brothers? Chances are they will never believe it, after all these guys were doing  very well here in America for such a long time.
        What made them turn against a country who welcomed them with open arms. Was it the fact that the other brother could not box for the US because he wasn't a citizen? Did they want to be religious hero's of some kind? No one knows anything yet, anything to give the public an idea about all of the whys.
    An Aunt in Canada stated they were set up. Who put the bomb in the older brothers hand to throw at cops? Is that being set-up? But that's how families respond when they know their kids, and nephews in a way we didn't know them.
     As I watched the angry father yell how the police killed his son, there were no words of compassion concerning the people here who were killed, maimed and whose families' lives were split in two because of these two young men. I wonder if the younger brother just wanted to be like his older brother and never thought about an ending. What an ending. So very sad.
     This is a Christian community in Boston as in many cities. and I bet you will hear people saying, we have to pray for their parents too. No one wins. Lives are lost, shattered and twisted and now fear and suspicion will replace trust and bravado. But I suspect not for long. People do go on. Time does heal and coping takes over.
       Right now, possibly because the younger brother is alive, so far, the parents of these two will realize something changed and hopefully will learn and accept the truth no matter how hard and how deeply it hurts and will have to emotionally face the little kids they raised, lost there way. They will also have to face that horrible word, terrorist. Can you imagine?

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