Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting Child Support, How to's

       Do you have an ex-spouse or boy friend, girlfriend who owe support? We live in very poor financial times and I know for just one person it's hard to just get by, however there is rarely an excuse for not paying anything, and that goes for women and men.
    Here are a few suggestions on how to get support. The very first thing is you have to have a case set up at domestic relations and or a court order. Without that, you are screwed to be blunt.
    So we'll start by assuming you have one or the other. Domestic relations is better because of record keeping, and now here is a list on how to get support:
  •     Attach  income tax refunds
  •     attach support through a job via paychecks
  •     Put a lien on his/her automobile-it cannot be sold unless you get paid via the sale-every state is different and in some states the car due to the value cannot have a lien added. An example: my ex's car was valued at 500.. In his state he was allowed the first 1200. for the simple reason he needed a car to work. He didn't know that and ended up beating his very fancy auto into oblivion.
  •     Put a lien on  a home-it cannot to sold at all unless a stipulation is made that you are paid first
  •   The non supporting person is telling you they do not work? Have someone follow them and get proof, taking it to domestic relations.
  •   Is the non supporting person on disability or retirement? Even better. Make a claim to social security. The non supporting parents may already be receiving 75% percent extra for any child or children without saying the children do not live with them. For disability a person receives 75% for a child. With retirement, I am reasonable certain it's 25%
  •    Now go for it! Parents, male and female need to support their children.
  •   Good luck

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