Sunday, April 14, 2013

Try This Exercise

   On the Sunday morning show where they do a variety of mini shows, one was interviewing a HORSE SHOE(actual name) workout place . The owner/manager was asked why this, what's different/better. He showed what appeared different, but for barely seconds as if it was a big secret. One exercise caught my eye and seemed like it wasn't going to be shown as the camera swept past the guy doing what made me curious.
   So ya know the back fat on your arms which is called the horse show muscle? Well this guy was laying on a flat bench, but tilted backwards. With weights in his hands and laying tilted, not a lot but just enough, there were his hands going up and down, floor, back to in front of him. That's the best way to describe it.

  Well I did that tonight, barely made five. This exercise more than any I know pulled my abs so tight, my horse shoe muscle, my neck & shoulders. Yes ! Now I have to make  a goal to do this twice a day at five each and then ten twice a day.
   I have a three month plan and  a dress I want to wear one more time. By The way, I positioned my body on a hassock close to a chair and it helped to tuck my feet under the chair, then lay back on the hassock where my shoulders were just barely off the hassock, giving me enough leverage so I wasn't upside down, but just a little slanted. After all, I just started.

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