Friday, April 26, 2013

Sugars in Yogurts ! 27 Grams ?

      Crapola, was I surprised to learn this yesterday on Dr. Oz so last night at suppertime when I went grocery shopping, I checked out a couple of yogurts. The store brand had 12 grams of sugar, and a pro biotic kind had 22 grams of Sugar. This guy, Michael Pollan said Yogurt if already sweetened had as much sugar in them as a bottle of soda !
    His suggestion is buy plain yogurt and add what you want, so that will be another change I make. I love yogurt. He also suggested to eat a tablespoon of sauerkraut a day. I am back on balancing food, mixed with exercise, working around the home and making bags.
    Here is a few hits to making shopping easier and it really can be weather you work outside the home or not.
  • Shop during supper hours. That helps with standing on lines and traffic
  • Make a list and stick to it by meal planning first
  • go on line and check out your store isles, where is everything located
  • redo your list accordingly-it's worth it. That way there is none of the..oh where is the pasta
  • Cut out one typical sweet and replace it with cantaloupe
As important, bring reusable bags-yesterday I was asked this for a first time. For those who have reusable bags, you are entered into a free food give-a -way.
Good luck with your shopping and read those labels for sugars where you least expect it.

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