Sunday, October 17, 2010

What time zone are you in? A Blizzard.

This was last winter at the side of my house, jeep covered in snow, and my Norwegian spruce heavy with branches weighted in white. Oh the jeep went on fire a few months later as I drove up a road close to home. No insurance as it was over two hundred thousand miles. Now I am in the Eastern time zone and right now it's 6:59 p.m.

I love having four seasons, and look forward to winter every year. A couple of years ago my son, daughter and I were going to go to NY to celebrate mine and my son's birthday's, both in February. It started to snow. At the time she lived in Enola and decided by the time I got to her house she wasn't going. A blizzard was reported to be on the way. Well then I hesitated too, thinking I have a foster child and may not get back if we do get a blizzard, although I didn't really care since I needed a long break.

My son saw and heard me hesitate. Mom he said, if we don't go I'm going back to Omaha. I came here so we, you and me and Jen could go to New York, and since when do you let snow stop you? That was all he needed to say. It was as if I was getting chicken. Picking up his bag , in the trunk and off we went. We had so much fun.

Mike and I joined other New Yorkers shoveling. Yes, he too is Brooklyn born. Taking my shovels from my trunk we first started helping people close to the hotel. I did little compared to him. But walking around the streets, cars buried in white trying to get out, just so they could get out, the noise of shovels could be heard on the top floor of the hotel. I grabbed my sweatshirt and gloves and Mike his winter jacket. Off we walked then to my friends house a few blocks away, well about twelve blocks, We trudged through, over and in snow.
Arriving at Sandy 's house, I rang the bell, and then we yelled, sandy! sandy! Opening the door on the outside porch of their second floor apartment, her husband Dick comes out. Looking down all he says, is what the hell are you doing here? That's just the way Dick is, a lovable ol'guy-well at times.
Mike and I played, threw shovels of snow at each other , and after went up stairs to Sandy's. She made a home made meat and potatoes kind of old fashioned meal. Mike seemed like he couldn't get enough. It was heart warming being with friends, eating, laughing and making more memories.
We took a can back to the hotel, relaxed and again went out for a walk in the winter cold, picked up a few snacks, and then in for the night. The next morning as we were ready to leave, we decided to take our time, get some hotel breakfast and then check-out. But we were in for a big surprise. The turnpike was closed as were some of the other roads home. No, I didn't want to pay for another night. Again good news. The hotel was paying for that extra night.
Mike decided to go to the gym and work out. I went for a walk and enjoyed every second. Paths were shoveled out by landlords, home owners and the hotel. Slush was forming in streets from traffic. Yes, people will get out no matter what. For me, just to be there, it was like the winters we had years ago. Barely nothing closes down, we walk though piles of snow, slipping, falling, grabbing onto one another, a car or whatever is handy.
But we make it, we always make it.

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