Sunday, October 17, 2010

Norwegian Cops? No, The Horses

Ah, love those horses, and of course who is sitting on them. What presence. Have you ever been to New Year's Eve in New York? Well it's full of mounted cops, all keeping order. The only not so nice thing is what they leave "behind". So when you are lucky enough to attend any parade in New York and see the mounted police, it just seems to complete that, parade feeling.

Some years ago, I called a friend of mine and with my daughter went to New Years Eve in New York. It was a spur of the moment decision. My daughter and I were just watching the celebration start on TV. I was laying on the sofa and my daughter was sitting in a chair next to me. I leaned over and said, wouldn't it be kool to be there. She grinned and said yeah mom, but it's too late now. I looked at her grinning back and said not if we leave now. At first she said mom, that would be nuts, with a little reprimand in her voice. By now I'm standing knowing we were going if she'd agree and just asked, well ya wanna go or not. Now she's excited.

Hell yeah mom and followed with, how bout' I call Maria and Berto and see if they want to go too. We called, I picked them up, drove to NY, stopped once for a pit stop and coffee and arrived just near Times Square as a drunk walked by and a mounted cop nudging him out of the area.

It was freezing. Mucho freeo as some would say. Maria and her son didn't want to get out of the car! What? I asked them how could we drive all this way and you guys not get out? But it's so cold was the whiny shivering answer. Of course I love the cold. Just as we listened to the music fade we piled back in for the ride home. What a ride it was. I was getting tired and neared our area I asked Maria to drive. She welcomed the chance. Little did I know that her regular driving was just as dangerous as me driving tired.

Quickly I said pull over, looking as my daughters eye's getting bigger with fear. All ended well and it was a good experience. Now I love both of those kinds of parades. The only one bad thing about these celebrations is the people who drink beyond reason. They forget who they are and where they are. All in all, I would still go to all three parades. The third? St. Patty's Day of course, more plaid.

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