Wednesday, October 20, 2010

That Uncomfortable Subject

Predators, a word we all hate. But still every once in a while we all need to be reminded to check out Megan's Law in your area. It isn't always up to date as predators don't always report to the police and give a new address as soon as they leave prison.
Protect not only your children, but any kid you know as best as you can.
Ask questions about school, church, the neighbor, parents when a child starts a conversation about that subject, ask, but don't lead, don't suggest as some kids do make up those stories, but not many.
Sometimes, and I know you know this, the people we trust the most with our kids are those we should trust the least, so how do you know? Even though they may be a friend ask if they would do a background check? Ask if both spouses would do a background check and if they have grown children in their homes, ask if they too would mind a criminal check.
When I moved to where I now live I was told about a man around the corner who played Santa every year. Before he lived around the corner he lived in a mobile home park where he hurt a child, was caught, but the parents didn't want any thing public to come out, so the man agreed to move and all would say nothing. Nice. He's dead now.
Then the same woman who told me about him told me about her own close relative who also hurt a female child and worked as a volunteer in the fire department. When I knew that I froze and let her know if she didn't make him quit, I would tell. He quit. The lady has moved and I don't know what happened with her son, where he went, what he is or isn't doing and never knew his name. We have to continue to be vigilant, over protective, a mom, a dad a protector most of all.

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