Monday, October 25, 2010

Heartburn or attack? Aspirin risks!

Oh look at menu, and yes, I know you can't see it, but I did. No pasta for me.
Here is what I learned today and last week. Hearing Dr. Oz and a specialist about Acid reflux, heartburn and heart attacks, people don't take it serious enough, think, well I just ate something, or oh, coffee always gives me heartburn, I'll just take an antacid. Don't in my opinion as OZ said it only masks the pain. How many doctors tell us to take an aspiring a night or day. Well that leads to an upsetting acid in your stomach, up the esophagus, and actually burning the lining which can and has caused cancer. It's also about how and when and what you eat and drink.
I remember hearing Michael Douglas talk about his throat cancer. He said he drank alcohol for years and smoked too. What if you didn't do those things, but drank coffee and ate lots of pasta, are overweight, lay down after eating? Yes, alcohol is like poison on the throat and esophagus , but we never think those things when we're young. Then we think we'll live forever, but never think how we might live.
Pain killers? They too cause acid in the stomach. Dr. OZ gave a very clear picture on heart attacks, heartburn and acid reflux. Explaining the effects and how one leads to another let's me know that I did start on the right path last week. I read a two paragraph blog by a young man. It was simple, clear, and earth shattering. While my own doctor never told me what to avoid, this young man's article sure did. Now a friend of my daughter's just gave me a Starbucks Mug, GREEN, with individual coffee packets in it. I LOVE Coffee.
But now I have to think, well I know it doesn't love me and taking aspirin for a year had it effects too I'm sure. I still have two cups in the morning because I love it, and I know I won't be laying down so early, but I will also even soon do away with that and drink water as I've been doing a lot of this week. I can drink ginger ale which I love and the small amount of ginger helps.
I'm not one to want to expose my latest health prob. but if anyone ends up reading this and makes changes, that's what counts. Other symptoms are, sore throat, a feeling like food is stuck, hoarseness, deep breaths that hurt, heartburn more than twice a week,a burn feeling after eating or drinking are all signs not to put it off, but to to your doctor.
Now if money is an issue, explain that to whom ever you make the appointment with, and ya know if you get some self righteous crab who says anything about not getting until...just say, I wonder what the newspaper and the doctor will say about that, write him or her. office personal are hired to do what's right financially for the doctor. Most doctors are really there for you and will make time for you and a way to pay your bill. Some doctors will even adjust it if you ask them as hard as that may be.
Later everyone-Good Health to ya!

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